as i mentioned in previous post mum is currently in hospital with severe nausea, tummy ache ( poss from constipation)
she lost 2 stone as nausea worse when eating. nausea came on few months after starting . Buprenorphine , we not sure if connection
anyway mums sickness won’t go away and they been given ondasetron which has helped very slightly but they added in cyclizine which has given her a appetite but of course its kicking of rls slightly.
as mentioned she currently takes 0.4 Buprenorphine but is actually precribed 0.6.
a doctor in the past suggested increasing if meds brought rls on, could anyone advise whether it would be worth her trying adding in the extra 0.2 dose ? if so would it be a idea to take it in the morning to see her through?
this cyclizine really seems to help mums terrible nausea and it would be great if she can take it