In December I switched from gabapentin to pregab to see if the facial twitch was caused by gabapentin - Jury is out, Dr seems to think its not as bad but wants me to wait a bit longer.
Anyway was on 150mg twice a day which seemed to work okay but have had to go off the morning dose as it seemed to make things strange (also on adhd meds recently diagnosed)
Dont really get symptoms during the day anyhow. However I'm up to 450mg at night and having to take a sleeping tablet to help sleep because stinging, pins and needles and feeling of burning similar to what I had when first diagnosed 3 years ago.
I can go up to 600mg however that seems quite a bit considering I was on 1200mg of Gaba.
I've tried to take the meds at different times before bed but doesnt seem to make any difference ( Have yet to try right before bed (last night was 9pm lights out at 10pm)
Any suggestions?
Also I note my ferritin was 142 ug/l however I was not fasted and about 11am when tested so possibly could try some of this when should I take and how much?
I have also bought some B12 as I see that was 225 pmol/l so not much above the bottom limit of 170 here in NZ - also how much and when.
Thanks in advance