Hello all.
Sorry for starting a new topic; I just wanted a clearer thread to read as I have difficulty following reams of print in other threads (I have scotopic sensitivity or so I’m told).
I first started getting restless legs years ago with symptoms increasing from about 4 years ago. RLS would keep me awake for 2 or 3 hours. I would be constantly stretching out my lower leg due to the discomfort.
I went to see my GP and I was prescribed 0.088mg of pramipexole. I ended up taking 6x 0.088mg. I guess I was augmenting. Anyway, I’ve gone from having sleep affecting discomfort to agonising RLS in my legs which is now also present in my arms and to a lesser extent in my torso.
My GP agreed I had augmented, and I cut down the pramipexole by 0.088mg per week. On my last week I was prescribed pregabalin 50mg and over two or three weeks this was increased to 200mg.
My GP was initially reluctant to switch my medications as he thought I suffered with addiction and was under a substance misuse organisation (SMO). He must have misheard me at some point as I work for a SMO, as a nurse. With this in mind I can only imagine the grief actual substance misusers with RLS must go through.
I’m also prescribed co codamol 30/500mg x2 four times daily. This is for a separate ailment.
The combination of Pregabalin 200mg and Co codamol 30/500mg x2 at night did not hold me and I sought another GP appointment to ask for an increase to 300mg pregabalin and switch the co codamol to codeine (so that I could increase the codeine without the paracetamol element). I was told I could not have another appointment for 28 days. I’m currently in the middle of this period and thought this was a good time to get some feedback from this forum.
On the nights before a work day I take one 0.088mg pramipexole tablet, alongside the Pregabalin and Co codamol. I have to, or else I do not sleep much at all, maybe two broken hours. I do not want to take the pramipexole but I have to wait until January 6th before my next consultation.
I’ve had a blood test, the GP stated my levels of iron were normal. Nonetheless in the last few days I’ve been taking multi vitamins with iron (Wellman Sport).
Recently I’ve had nights when I’ve been stood up all night, just stumbling around my kitchen with my eyes closed. So, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
As a nurse I work with doctors and one of the doctors says he has a contact who knows more about RLS. I don’t like imposing on people I work with and I never go sick but I feel things are about to change. My boss has been good by allowing me to turn up late for work without reprimand or loss of pay.
Lastly, I don’t think the term restless legs does us sufferers any favours. Even within the nursing community it’s seen as a minor inconvenience, a ‘just get on with it’ type of attitude.