Is anyone taking these together.
I seem to remember that at least one member does so.?
Back story--- I have had an ankle surgery 3 weeks ago and all went well ,except that I have been bothered with extra attacks of restlessness , especially at night. Utterly unable to sleep.
This morning the attacks continued all morning and I was in bits. Rang the surgery who took me in straight away.
My lovely young doctor offered me Parkinson's medications, which I politely declined and explained that I was involved with the Health Unlocked, RLS site.
He was impressed and listened to me.
He then suggested alpha2 ligands - Lyrica / Pregabalin.
He went through the possible side effects and explained that this should allow my body to get back to wherever it had been before the operation.
So ,now I have 25mg for 3 nights and to increase if necessary.
So ,what I need to know --- is this a reasonable course of action?
Will I be able to get off the Lyrica if necessary. (Pre the operation , my RLS was satisfactorily controlled with Oxycontin 10mg X2, and oxynorm 5mg X1.)
I hope all that makes sense.
Thanks for reading this far.