hi I’m thinking of trying pumpkin seed oil capsules, as I’m having a few issues with my bladder , and I do wonder if needing the loo in the night also triggering the RLS, throughout the night , my question is , is anyone else using this and could it affect the RLS ? , I take 30mg of codeine at 5pm, 60mg at 9pm , then I’m needing more at around 1am but also needing the loo , again I’m up at 4am needing loo, and as I have to get up at 6:30 for work I’m finding it a real struggle,( I have recently had a uti and have a long history of uti’s, which I take D-mannose recommended by urologist ). Thank you 🤩
pumpkin seed oil : hi I’m thinking of... - Restless Legs Syn...
pumpkin seed oil

Bladder urgency is linked to RLS. Quite a few scientific studies on it.It seems that codeine isn't controlling your RLS. It is the weakest opioid and has a short half life.
As you are still working you need better cover. Ask for a long half life opioid like methadone or Buprenorphine. Your GP will probably have a heart attack if you ask, but some GPs are willing to research/learn.
You might have to see a neurologist who will then recommend Buprenorphine to your GP.
Thank you I wasn’t aware of this , I have asked my GP for Buprenorphine, and was refused , but was referred to a consultant unfortunately it’s Parkinson’s clinic 🤦🏼♀️ , although the consultant himself suffers from RLS, so has some understanding, he has recently prescribed me Clonazepsm 500microgram which he has said he don’t want me taking on regular occasions , so makes me very nervous especially after pramipexole. I have tried them but feel very groggy next day and not an awful lot of improvement on sleep , which is not good when I have work next day
You need to find a better neurologist.Clonazepam isn't ideal long term as it doesn't really do much for RLS and has a long half life so leaves you heavily sedated next day.
Try to see Dr Chris Murphy, Dr Robin Fackrell or Professor Matthew Walker BUT refuse ALL dopamine agonists.
I too had to frequently go to the bathroom at night. I bought cheap test strips on Amazon to test the ph of my urine. Mine was too low so I take Potassium Citrate morning and night and that reduced my bathroom trips.
Thank you , something else to look into 😀
Curious about the "science" behind this being effective, Do you know how it works?
pumpkin seed oil is full of nutrients which help blood vessels dilate , and muscles to relax therefore helps overactive bladder to relax .
I took my 1st capsule last night and actually missed my 1am dose of codeine , only need to use loo at around 4am so a positive start for me , I’m keeping my fingers crossed
Potassium raises the pH of urine which helps overactive bladder if it is low
Thanks Sue. My RLS has crept back into action, but there's been a bit of medical goings-on recently so I need to do a bit of evaluation of different approaches and possible interactions with other meds. Currently night trips to the loo are the bane of my life, but there are several suspects on the list!
Thanks Sue. Sounds worth a try. What dose of potassium citrate do you take?
275 mg but get the strips to check the pH. They're cheap.
What city do you live in in the UK?
I’m living in south wales
When my rls was bad i could wee 10 times a night. Now on Buprenorphine I often sleep through ...amazing . Good luck
I used to wake up needing the loo and head straight to the bathroom, back to bed and RLS would start up right away. Took me a long time to realise it was the actually the RLS waking me up but walking to the bathroom was holding it off until I tried to settle down in bed again. Was a bit of a lightbulb moment when it finally dawned on me what was happening! Now that the RLS is controlled I'm down to once a night for the loo, acceptable as I'm 72 and drink a lot of tea, and I can get back to sleep after it.
Given your history of UTIs I hope the pumpkin seed oil helps calm things down while you follow up on the info from Jools and Sue.
Sorry if I missed info on any earlier posts. What is controlling your RLS for you?
Sadly we seem to live more in hope than expectation