Hi all, I've been posting about coming off the patch which was 2mg four months ago and now down to .35, it hasn't been easy and with the last reduction I've found myself becoming increasingly anxious, is this to be expected and will it ease or just get worse when I'm off it completely! Thanks in advance
Patch: Hi all, I've been posting about... - Restless Legs Syn...

Yes that is to be expected. Once you are off it and your symptoms have settled it should go away.
Yes. Anxiety and depression are very common as you are reducing dopamine, the feel good hormone.It will settle after a few months.
Thanks for that, it's so unsettling but good to know it will ease off soon, I take it that means a few months after the last dose?
Yes. The worst withdrawals happen for the 2 weeks after the last dose. Severe, all over RLS, violent leg jerks, little to zero sleep for days.The mood will hopefully lift as withdrawals settle.
However, if they don't, be wary of taking anti depressants as they trigger/worsen RLS. Safe alternatives are trazodone and wellbutrin and some patients say Vortioxetine helps.
Thanks again, it's all a little confusing as you would expect withdrawal symptoms to lessen with each reduction because there's relatively much less of it in the system, it's counter intuitive!
It's just the opposite. It gets worse at the end.
Yikes, at least I know what to expect!
That's why it is wise to go even slower near the end and get a low dose opioid temporarily to help out. You may want a clean start but until all the symptoms from coming off the patch are gone you need help getting there.
I could consider that, if not go will prescribe it which is probably doubtful. Is fatigue a feature of DA withdrawal also?
Yep fatigue is one of many possible symptoms.
Print out the section on opioids on the Mayo Algorithm and emphasize to your GP it will be temporary.
If not kratom is illegal in the UK but you can get it and many on the forum have. Also cannabis. If interested I can give you more information.
I would definitely consider cannabis but don't know where to start with strength, dosage, form, supply etc. I'm in Ireland.
You have to use an online private pharmacy - Curaleaf clinic. You fill out a form, they contact your surgery for medical records. You book a zoom tele appointment, pay £45 & they then send a link to a pharmacy who you pay online. The cannabis is then couriered within a week. This information is from Joolsg.
My understanding is vaping gives immediate results. Some like gummies but some feel they are less effective.. Most people like Indica.
If you want more information you might make a post about it to get others advice.
Have you tried getting an opioid prescribed? Buprenorphine or methadone are likely best choices, but most anything would help with withdrawal.
Not yet, I want a clean start with all meds gone but I'll reassess on down the line. Anyone else experienced exhaustion coming off DAs?
I can't believe they still prescribe the stuff, it should be banned.
Yes, I experienced exhaustion during withdrawal along with depression , anxiety, lightening zaps, profuse sweating and many other annoying treats. I agree that this poison should be banned.
I hope your withdrawal symptoms resolved, it really is awful! How are you now?
For the most part. I am not the same person I was 4 years ago. I don’t think I ever will be again. I still have periods of uncontrollable crying and I am easily angered, at times. The episodes are less frequently. I’m sure you will not have the same results. I was on DAs for about 10-12 years and at the end I was taking 9 mg of Neupro to control my RLS.😬
Oh gosh, I'm sorry to hear that, it sounds awful but hopefully will continue to improve. I've been on it four years and openly wondered why my rls was becoming more severe, I was actually describing augmentation even though I didn't know what that was, my patch strength was increased in response, unbelievable
I came off it and it was the best thing I have done feel so much better
I take Gabapentin for anxiety and it works
How did you reduce the patch dosage? I’m on the 3mg patch and starting to plan how I can do it. At the moment I take codeine as well due to breakthrough symptoms.
See the advice I gave you before. If you no longer have it, I will be glad to repeat it.
Thank you. I will look back. I’m holding off starting this awful process as my partner is about to have major surgery and I will be caring for him in his recovery for a few months.
I am having an iron infusion on 1st October. I hope that will help.
I was on 2mg and every two weeks I cut a fraction off, it wasn't very scientific but I just did it very slowly until I was down to 1mg, I divided that in 6 , I'm now down to less than .5 and just slowly reducing. I find that with each reduction I have rebound severe rls but it does tend to ease off a little then