Has anyone had acupuncture for another condition other than RLS? Has it triggered RLS?
Acupuncture : Has anyone had... - Restless Legs Syn...

Annie, it has been a while, but in the past quite few people have tried. Most didn’t experience any benefit, maybe no-one. The lasting idea is that is doesn’t help.
Thank you for replying. Much appreciated.
I am having it for another condition and was more worried about it setting off my RLS
I’m guessing, but acupuncture seems to act pretty quickly, so if it’s going to worsen your RLS, I imagine you will know it while the needles are still in.
Thanks! I know very little about Acupuncture & have never had it before!
Same answer as Jumpey. I've had acupuncture for both RLS and other things. Either way, zero effect on RLS.
Thanks for letting me know. So encouraging to hear!
I have done accupuncture FOR rls and it did give some relief; but not all accupuncturists are the same. I was seeing a Chinese doc who practice real Chinese medicine and had great relief. But sadly she didn't accept insurance and I couldn't afford her any longer. Next I tried a different doc and her methods worked somewhat but not as noticeable as the first.
Yes sadly not on our NHS & need to pay cash Thanks for your helpful reply.