Hi . I have RLS and suffer from poor sleep as a result. Has anyone tried acupuncture and can it help relieve symptoms?
Acupuncture: Hi . I have RLS and suffer... - Restless Legs Syn...

Yes and no - yes tried it and no it didn't work, however your mileage may vary.

Hi Carvenom
If you plug the word acupuncture into the search box you will find past postings from those that have tried acupuncture.
Yes and it didn’t help. Top professors from China work out of clinic in Camden, London & they confirmed acupuncture wouldn’t help my RLS ( but did think herbs would build up health).
Tried it but it didn’t help my RLS although it did help my anxiety.
Trying it now, but doesnt help I think. Might help against stress. I prefer my osteopathy.
I had acupuncture for RLS whilst on a cruise which left me traumatised. During the acupuncture session my RLS became unbearable. The therapist left the room for 30 minutes. I was unable to get up off the couch and the needles were sticking into my legs on each involuntary movement. I thought I was going to collapse. Despite that, dont be discouraged, just make sure you dont drink alcohol or have any caffeine and remember to take your medication to stop the RLS kicking in whilst having the acupuncture. I did get relief from RLS for 2 nights only.
Hi I have rls for a long long time, I've tried so many creams, sprays, different vitamins as well as Being prescribed Pramipexole nothing gives me relief, I had five treatments of Accupuncture but it didn't help, everyone reacts differently to this treatment so maybe it will work for you good luck.
Tried it 3 times - no help
I did try acupuncture and I'm afraid it didn't help
Not related to the acupuncture but is your poor sleep due to the RLS sensation itself or that your not sleeping deeply enough?
I thought for years my RLS was making me tired all the time before I realised that my insomnia is just another symptom of an underlying issue. My actual RLS symptoms are under control in terms of my feet playing up.
Tried it 600 dollars later decided it did not work.
_Hi,_ yes, I have using with great success, for some 1.5 years, not exactling accupunture, but something analog, Accupressure Point Tapping (EFT - accupunture without needles); very practical and working nicely...
_ just in case, please go for information on my REPLIES;
all the best and good luck