Anyone had acupuncture wondered if it would help with rls I experience it as ifcreepy crawlers are under my skin so would be particularly interested if people with same symptoms have experience
Acupuncture?: Anyone had acupuncture... - Restless Legs Syn...

Don’t waste your money. I tried it years ago and it did nothing except cost me £££££. Sorry
Don’t be sorry I asked for peoples experiences and you shared yours thank you
I second this as I did it for 2 years just before finding out that I had RLS. Cost me 1000S would of been better off with a nice massage. Good job to have tho £45 for 50mins work and most of that is them sitting on there ass. It's a good scam as they cant even tell you how many sessions you will need. So you get to a year and think I might as well keep going now as it would be a waste to stop now.

Hi lolly,
If you type "acupuncture" in the search box quite a number of old postings on the subject will appear which may be of interest to you.
Hi Lolly, I tried it years ago. It didn’t help.
I have had acupuncture regularly for many years. Off and on she tries a new approach to the RLS, so far none have been successful for more than maybe a night of two or just that moment while I am trying to lay still. Sorry. Wish I had better news
I have had a lot of acupuncture for other things, but the practitioner said she didn't think it would help RLS, so we never tried.
Thank you everyone
I've had it for nerve pain in my feet. Didn't help me either.
Sorry to join the chorus Lolly ,but I had several treatments from three different
Acupuncturists and none of them helped with my case of RLS
Thankyou all and no need to apologise it’s just good to hear people’s experiences thanks
I also had 3 sessions with no success. I also have a friend who practices Hypnotherapy and was convinced he could help me, but this also proved to be a complete waste of time. The only thing that seems to have helped me a bit, is reaching the menopause!!
Hi, yes. I have been having acupuncture for my rls for a month and a half now. I think I have been about 6 times. The pattern has definitely changed. But acupuncture takes time and I cannot tell if it has worked yet. The acupuncturist I am seeing has been able to cure the symptoms on rls patients. So, I believe I am going to continue going to him for a bit.
The research my dad found had positive results and he said it would be important to get the right acupuncturist, it’s the kind of thing that I thought couldn’t hurt to try. Thanks for a different view