Hi I have been recommended Statins due to cholesterol results. Do they have any effect on RLS please?
Statins: Hi I have been recommended... - Restless Legs Syn...

Yes all statins make RLS worse. Nexlizet (Nustendi (UK) is a cholesterol lowering drug that is not a statin, but I don’t know if it exacerbates RLS symptoms. Ezetimibe (Zetia) reduces cholesterol although it doesn't reduce cholesterol as fast as the statins, but according to Chris Columbus it didn't trigger his RLS. And then there are Triglide (Fenofibrate, Fibricor, Lipantil, Lipofen, Supralip) and Bezafibrate (Bezalip) which are not statins which seem safe. You might want to discuss these with your doctor. A more difficult way to reduce cholesterol is to go vegan. My husband lowered his cholesterol from 221 to 131 this way.
If you take gabapentin or pregabalin you should be closely monitored as it can raise the bad LDL and lower the good HDL.
another alternative to statins is a PCSK-9 inhibitor. I use one, Repatha, as a self-injection every other week. It is hard to get an Rx because of its cost, but it is far superior to statins and no RLS impact. In my case, for US insurance purposes, my doctor had to show that we had tried several alternatives (statins) first. It is also the only recognized way to lower LP(a), a type of cholesterol that drastically increases the risk of heart events. High LP(a) is a genetic condition.
I have been on Atorvastatin (Lipitor) for many years and it has no effect on my RLS. I take it in the morning.
See if you can get a heart CT scan. You may have to pay out of pocket. My doctor believes cholesterol is not the most significant indicator of heart disease. There are other remedies besides statins but it starts with a better screening for what’s really happening in your arteries. denversdietdoctor.com/insul...
Agree with the heart CT scan and also get a carotid artery scan. After having high cholesterol and not tolerating statins, these tests discovered that I had absolutely no plaque so statins would be of no benefit. No more fighting doctors about statins!
You should seriously think about whether the serious side effects are worth the minor advantage of taking statins. I think you'd benefit more by lowering your triglyceride levels with a low carb diet. youtu.be/I7r4j1u42V8?si=wNE...