Just an update to my previous posts about post surgical pain. I am almost 3 weeks post op after total hip replacement. I had asked about pain relief. Anyway, the pain has lessened although it was excruciating for 2 + weeks. My question is what can I do about the increase in my RLS? Since the surgery the RLS has become much worse. I am assuming it is related to post surgical inflammation. Do I have any hope that it will lessen soon? I take Belbuca 150mcg - one at 1530 and two at 2230.
Post surgical exacerbation of RLS - Restless Legs Syn...
Post surgical exacerbation of RLS

Increase your Belbuca temporarily.
I did try that but only increased it by 150mcg in the afternoon. My family doctor is who prescribes it but she knows nothing about RLS. She has been ordering what I suggest based on my research. Not sure if she will increase the dose . If she agrees what dose do you suggest and for how long?
Thank you so much for your quick reply.
My symptoms increased after my joint replacements. I had to increase my medication for about 3 months. Good luck!
It is always worth takaing some vitamin B12 after surgery as nitrous oxide is often used and can wipe out B12. lots of people on the pernicious anemia forum think their low B12 has caused restless legs.
My symptoms worsened after joint replacement, too, and became absolutely uncontrollable when I went on prednisone to calm the inflammation. Whatever you do, avoid prednisone. I'm sorry you're going through this, but it will subside in a few weeks (I know, that sounds like forever). Hang in there!
Hi I've had the same after a knee replacement. It's been good for 4 yrs on bupromorphine but after this op in March it went mad . Doctor has upped my dose and used a patch aswell as a few pills. I'm hoping it will subside soon . Good luck 🤞
I had bu lateral hip surgery in February this year and it worsened my latent RLs and gave me benign muscle twitching all over my body but worse in my legs it’s now been 5 months and I recently had a good week but it returned with a vengeance the last few days again
Both my calcium and iron were v low I was hypocalceamic so have taken Sue’s advice on here re my dosing of my supplements
Good luck with the recover and rehabilitation I’ve found diazepam to help at night and have just started Pregabalin
Once you have your range of motion back at around 4 months ask your physio about nerve flossing to ensure the nerves are gliding properly