I’m a long-time member here and need some medication guidance. I had a severe case of RLS that needed to be kept under control by staying on my combination of Tramadol (100 mgs x3X/day) and Pregabalin/Lyrica (100 mgs x3X/day). My surgeon said I could stay on Pregabalin, but not the Tramadol as it wasn’t strong enough to quell the post surgical pain. Instead, he wanted me on Oxycodone, 10 mgs every 4 hrs. He said it would do the same job for my RLS as the Tramadol. It didn’t.
The next day my RLS was back full force making the surgical knee feel much worse, because I couldn’t stop moving my leg.
As the next 3 weeks passed, I was beside myself with pain made much worse by my RLS in both knees—triggered by the swelling in the surgical knee and the other knee was swollen too because it was over worked trying to support the new knee. It got so bad that I had to take diazepam a few times to calm myself down.
My nurse practitioner told me oxycodone could not control my RLS, because it does not connect to the same brain receptors as Tramadol.
Meanwhile, I was off my Tramadol for 17 days — made even worse because I was also going through Tramadol withdrawal.
I am about to face this surgery again for my other knee. Does anyone know if there is another kind of strong pain reliever other than oxycodone that I could take and still be able to stay on Tramadol? I’m feeling desperate—I don’t want to go through that pain plus suffer from RLS again.
Recommendations please.