I have just seen a new gp, who was actually rather lovely compared to the AH who was the last one.I actually saw him for my back pain and did mention rls.
Now, what he wants to try is 10 mg amitrytamine (bah, can't spell it !)in the morning, 1000 mg of naprogesic and 25mg of pregabalin in the morning as well as my 150mg at night, this was all for my back pain. He DID ask if I'd tried Parkinson's drugs for rls, from which I presumed he meant DA's and I said it made it worse.
I have to confess that my rls hardly troubles me at all, which is probably the pregabalin and clonidine.
He is extremely against using opioids, but I didn't ask about them anyway. Nothing re ferritin either.
I was EXTREMELY lucky to be able to change to another doctor btw. It is very, very unusual to do so.
I am having some sort of Doppler imaging thingy tomorrow as he was wondering if my back problem is being made worse by bad blood supply in my legs (I get extremely painful burning pain)
So basically it's take the medications and exercise....but I really don't HAVE to take the antidepressant, but then again it is a really low dose and he won't make me continue with it if it agravates my rls.
Not even panadeine forte..