Hello RLS community,
I had a recent session with my neurologist who is part of the Oregon Health Science University here in Portland. This is my go to doctor for conditions related to RLS. In my most recent visit with him he said he wanted to confirm some thoughts he had about my condition and ordered a blood test for a genetic screening for Huntington's Chorea, symptoms which has a lot of similarities to RLS. The results came back and they indicated that I had a value of 35 CAG units. In looking at where it fell on the probability scale of whether I had developed symptoms of Huntington's Chorea or not I found this . The value of 35 is in units that measure how stable the gene segment is. Here is the table that I found on a British website dedicated to Huntington's Chorea:
26 and below is normal range
27-35 is normal but unstable and has the potential for change that can result in HC symptoms.
36-39 Abnormal and unstable
40 and above is abnormal and individuals generally experience HC.
I have provided this information as a background to what my Neurologist gave me as a follow up to the testing which he texted to me:
"It is possible to have both conditions, it is uncommonly reported as an association with huntington's. Also you had a very low ferritin level which is another risk factor, and iron initially helped with symptoms.
The main difference to try and distinguish is if you feel like there are uneasy feelings or sensations in the limbs that then make you decide to move your legs (as if scratching an itch so somewhat compulsive) that happen more at night. Chorea happens automatically without thinking and continues to happen even if you are distracted and can be unnoticed if they don't interrupt what you are doing.
The typical treatment for chorea may worsen RLS symptoms. It might be that we have to try and treat both. If the main problem is an unbearable urge to move your body while you are trying to fall asleep, then continuing the increased gabapentin is probably a good idea.
Is there anyone in the RLS community that has experience with this while treating for RLS? I currently take 2700mg of gabapentin in three evening (starting at 5pm) doses. I do not have much if any relief from my symptoms except during the night when (on most nights) I get about 6 hours decent sleep.
Thanks very much.