Was more or less told to go on Pramipexole by Dr and Consultant been on it before and came off as I had tried everything with no luck they said having restless legs and Parkinson this would help both .started low dose 'o88 mg the 2 and I had blurry eyes muscle and joint pain no energy an effort to get about so started slowly coming off pramipexole and had some tramadol left over from previous and took low dose tramadol in place of Pramipexole and what a change eyes cleared up muscle and joint pain nearly gone and lots more energy .phoned Dr and asked to be put on tramadol for trial period so she agreed for a month so hope this keeps up ,I know tramadol is mainly a pain killer but it helps RLS as well only take it before bed helps sleep and safe from dizziness being in bed ,no side effects so far ,will not be back on pramipexole again .
pramipexole: Was more or less told to... - Restless Legs Syn...

Here's hoping the tramadol keeps working for you!
for many people, Tramadol seems to work great for many years. For others, it becomes less effective after a few months. So I’d try to ensure that you have an alternative available to you if that happens. Buprenorphine or methadone are the most suggested opioids for RLS. Maybe work with your doctor in advance of a problem arising.
As someone who was on Tramadol for years , about 12 years to be exact I just wanted to share what I now know about it.
It definitely worked great. Then as my symptoms got worse my dr increased the dose. We increased probably once every couple of years until I was taking 100mg 4 times a day. It worked great for a while but then I got worse again. Meaning I had symptoms 24/7 in my whole body.
It took me finding forums like this to learn that the Tramadol caused augmentation. I’m now in my third year of low dose methadone and thankfully it’s working great and I have had virtually no symptoms other than once in while. But a hot bath usually takes care of it.
So I told you all of this to say to just be careful about increasing the dosage. If you’re getting worse it’s possible it’s augmentation not your RLS getting worse.
If you could possibly stay on the Tramadol until it’s not effective at the dose you’re on but have a plan in place with your dr as to what you’re going to do if that happens that would definitely be a good idea and keep you from having to suffer while your dr tries to figure it out
Thanks Poe7 . will not go above 150mg I know how hard it is to come off these things should be seeing consultant soon good advice as usual from you all.