Hi someone said for me to post. So here goes. I have been on pramipexole for roughly 14 years. My dose is 0.125 and I have managed to stay on that( starting dose) but occasionally I have added another half.sometimes as my legs were getting worse. But sometimes not always. This was my schedule pramipexole around 7 pm then my legs sometimes would play up bad then try extra half. I take mysendol (codeine and paracetamol a doxylamine 5 mg in it) as I've always suffered bad sleep. So I take that before bed. I research this pramipexole and my cousin was on it and now want off. So as I said to someone my doctor here in Australia said one night on one off for a week then stop.Friday night before I contacted him I took the pramipexole as my legs were playing up and took a calcium tablet probably half hour after the pramipexole, this seemed to settle them. Next night did the same. Doctors here in Australia won't hand out pills willy Nelly. They aren't the best advice best way to come off. Many thanks. I was talking to a nice lady Sue on here but few people said to do a post. Thankyou
Coming off pramipexole : Hi someone... - Restless Legs Syn...
Coming off pramipexole

One night on, one night off is not the way to go and will not help you come off it. See the advice I gave you.
Ok thanks .Yes I know the doctors advice was not right so I should be off it with in around six weeks then.
Here is the withdrawal schedule from RLS-UK website.Follow it and show your GP.
Scroll down to 'withdrawal from dopamine agonists'.
Also print off the iron therapy page.
Calcium won't do much for RLS.
The doxylamine is a sedating antihistamine and make RLS worse in many. Can you get a prescription with just codeine and paracetamol in it.
I have doctors appointment this morning I doubt it though. I only take the medication for back pain and help with the sleep always been bad sleeper. Went ok last night though without it .
Saw doctor he wouldn't even contemplate giving me anything so guess I'm on my own
They are shocking here in Australia !My gp in Tasmania suggested Levadopa !!! (NO !!!)
And back pain is dreadful - they really are terrified of pain-killers here !
I do take 300mg of pregabalin (which controls my rls - but does little for pain, unfortunately)and 2 mcg of clonidine for sleep.
AND 750 mg of naproxen which does sweet FA, if I am honest.
Not on any DAs (mine was Sifrol as well 🙄) haven't taken that for over 18 months now.
So out of touch in the land down under !
Hi did you have a hard time coming off the DA. I was getting a lot of stiffness in my body so was getting suspicious of Sifrol. I was on .125 for 14 yrs. I was also taking mysendol at night. Any I was told on this website the antihistamine in it makes RS worse. I thought maybe before that stopped it Sunday night. No restless legs since. So I've dropped a half of Sifrol last Friday night , so my schedule is magnesium at 5 pm and Sifrol at 8 pm and a calcium if legs look like playing up. That's a week so fingers crossed.Nice to meet someone from Aussie yes they won't give out strong painkillers, they only give out the dangerous ones, DA drugs not knowing of long term affects
I was VERY fortunate, as I was only on Sifrol 0.088 mg for about 10 months. I noticed that I was developing symptoms of rls in my arms and upper body around then. So I did some research and by good fortune came across this site, and found out about augmentation. I used a pill cutter and decreased by 1/2 every 3 -4 weeks until I was off it. I was lucky as I didn't have a terrible time coming off it. I increased the pregabalin from 75, to 150 and finally, 300 mg.As for pain, all I have is 750 mg extended release Naproxen which does sod all really - I often need to supplement it with panadol. They should never have restricted panadeine forte ! I spoke to a drug and alcohol counsellor who told me that when it was made prescription only, her workplace fully expected a huge influx of new clients. Instead they got....wait for it...
Zero, nix, nil.
And then you have to find a gp who will listen, and that is SO difficult, because then you run the risk of being accused of 'doctor shopping' and listed as such on the PSB web site.
Ugh. I think Tasmania has the most restrictive policy re opiates in the country. Quite literally, I would need to get myself addicted to heroin, declare myself to be an addict - and THEN I could access buprenophine patches.
Not in that much pain yet, and they most certainly would never prescribe for rls.
Pretty sure we have no full time neurologists (state is too small),
As for iron transfusion...🤣🤣, no way, unless the hospital finds that you are anaemic.
And by Gawd: you would never DARE present a specialist with the Mayo Algorithm - instant label of 'troublesome patient', 'non compliant' etc, which one can't afford.
I would never go to the hospital if I felt mentally unwell either - ALL the psychiatric drugs have made my rls worse, so I refuse them. Chantix is RARELY prescribed as it was associated with worsening depression outcomes, so that isn't an option.
Phenergan definitely makes my rls worse, but very strangely, my statin does not, but only if I take it at 7.00 a.m - any later in the day, and it will affect my legs.
Clonidine (Catapress), has been wonderful for me - it doesn't help with pain, but does help me to sleep through it - as the pain is much worse at night.
I don't take any supplements, but do follow a Mediterranean style diet, so for me, there was no weight gain associated with my pregabalin dosage.
I try to do some pilates/yoga fir my back, but I find that walking up hills helps me the most.
I do apologise for the long reply.
There are a few other Aussies on here as well. X
I was on 2 pramipexole (0.088 mg) for many years and my RLS was getting steadily worse. Never a good night's sleep. I gave my GP a copy of the advice from this excellent website (thank you SueJohnson). I was put on pregabalin ( 75 mg per night) and reduced the pramipexole to one and a half tablets for 1 week, then one tablet for a week and a half (SueJohnson is right "you will suffer"! but I recommend you do it). Then alternated 1 tablet and one half tablet for about 2 weeks (all the while taking 75 mg pregabalin) and am about to start one half tablet pramipexole per night. Once I was on 1 tablet or less per night I have had some of the best night's sleep for years. Not every night by any means but enough to be encouraged. I will return to my GP with a progress report in 1 or 2 weeks. Good luck and stick at it.