so just discovered that stomach acid inhibeters(omeprazole) stop you producing b12 and can lead to restless leg! now taking b12 supplements and NO rls for 20 days. May not work for you but for 14 pounds its worth a punt. good luck
omeprazole: so just discovered that... - Restless Legs Syn...

Hi otter5,Great news that you have RLS free for a while, nice one.
I am interested in the omeprazole....where was the information source for the B12 / RLS impacts of that drug please? I'd like to do some digging!
Gerd ,Vitamin B 12 and RLS
I am so happy for you.
It is not so surprising that Vitamin B12 supplements can help your R LS . Studies clearly show an indirect relationship between RLS and Gastric reflux
Firstly , there is a proven relationship between vitamin B12 and gastric reflux, primarily through the use of medications prescribed for treating gastric reflux, such as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and histamine 2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs).
These medications, commonly used to treat conditions like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and peptic ulcers, have been linked to an increased risk of vitamin B12 deficiency.
The mechanism behind this relationship is that PPIs and H2RAs work by reducing the production of stomach acid. Stomach acid is essential for the absorption of vitamin B12, as it helps to release vitamin B12 from food and facilitates its absorption in the intestines.
With reduced stomach acid levels due to the long-term use of these medications, the absorption of vitamin B12 can be significantly impaired, leading to deficiency.
Vitamin B12 deficiency can result in symptoms such as tiredness, weakness, constipation, and anemia- and restless legs
This relationship between vitamin B12 and Restless Legs Syndrome has been shown in many studies. Vitamin B12 deficiency can clearly contribute to the onset, development, and severity of RLS.
Addressing this deficiency through supplementation or dietary adjustments may offer a potential avenue for alleviating the symptoms of RLS, although,of course, more research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms involved and to evaluate the efficacy of vitamin B12 as a treatment option
Geeze - reading the first line of the this study should make anyone consider a different approach to GERD management... "Proton Pump Inhibitors have been reported to cause intestinal damage and adverse gut microbiota changes affecting several mechanisms, including malabsorption, etc."
Mechanism of action is explained here...
Non-Pharma solutions are everywhere - I solved my problem with increasing stomach acid (supplements and/or apple cider vinegar before eating). BTW use of PPI medications is related to RLS by decreasing absorption of iron, similar mechanism to B-12 above.