Hello, there’s good news and bad news.
The good news is that I haven’t had RLS for months.
The bad news is since taking Suboxone I’ve developed the most insane muscle pain I can barely function. To get out of bed I barely have the strength to roll my body, and even lifting my leg up, causes an immense amount of pain.
Walking is so painful I’m hobbling around like I’m 50 years older than I am. I’ve tried chiropractic and massage and hot baths and Tylenol and nothing works for the pain and of course doesn’t work for the muscle weakness.
I was reading that this is a serious side effect of Suboxone so I have asked Dr. Buchfuhrer if I can go back to oxycodone and see if this horrible pain goes away.
has anyone else experienced this with Suboxone? I am at my wits end.