I found some information below about Ferritin and Iron - it is from the Dr Mercola website.
I have just had my ferritin levels and iron levels checked - The Doctor said they were a bit on the low side so I am taking some gentle iron. My ferritin was 50.9 - I never heard of ferritin before having RLS - Are there any over the counter remedies does anyone know ? Thank you. Article follows ................
High iron is an under-recognized health threat. There’s a general lack of awareness in the medical community regarding the potential health risks associated with high iron levels
A ferritin level above 100 typically means you're either inflamed, have high iron, or both. A level above 200 is considered pathological. The higher your ferritin level, the shorter your lifespan. You’re also more likely to die of a heart attack and cancer
Left untreated, high iron levels can cause liver damage and an increased susceptibility to certain diseases, including infections and cancer
Lab tests that can help diagnose iron-related conditions such as hemochromatosis include a full iron panel, a complete blood count (CBC) test, gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), and a comprehensive metabolic panel to ensure you have sufficient liver enzymes. Measuring your copper and ceruloplasmin levels can also be helpful
The easiest way to lower your iron is to donate blood on a regular basis. Natural supplements such as curcumin, silymarin and alpha-lipoic acid can also help prevent from continuing to accumulate iron from your food