This is the Start Here paper, with clues & tips for RLS sufferers.
Print it out and refer to it often. It may be your road map to possible relief.
START HERE - and welcome.
If you actually have Restless Legs (or Limbs) Syndrome - RLS/PLMD (now also known as Willis-Eckbom Disease) and do not know what to do, here is a guide to what actions we are encouraging people to take.
We often talk about obtaining RLS help and relief as a process. It is very possible to waste a lot of time on things that will never work, and your physical and emotional symptoms and suffering will go on much longer than necessary.
Here is what we recommend that you do. Starting TODAY:
1. Make sure you are not taking any OTC med, "herb", "tonic" or other product that is making your symptoms worse. Some classes of drugs, especially anti-depressants and antihistamines, may make RLS worse. (In each class there are safe alternatives).
2. Do not waste time on 'treatments' or 'regimens' that have not held up to clinical or scientific scrutiny. You must understand and accept that you cannot exercise, diet, vitamin, cream, "supplement" "spray", "tonic" "detox", "reiki" or herb your way out of RLS. There is no cure, yet. Pseudo-science practices such as homeopathy', 'naturopathy' and chiropractic do not work for RLS. Be Wary of so-called “Alternative,” “Complementary,” and “Integrative” Health Methods. They will not help with RLS or probably any other disease. Also, there is no device, gadget or "miracle invention" that will afford you any significant RLS symptom relief, long-term. This is a disease of the BRAIN.
Quinine, pickle juice and a 'bar of soap', for example, do not work. Have nothing to do with mail order or OTC miracles, quacks or junk science. Be very careful what you read on FaceBook and watch on YouTube and social media in general- tons of garbage, lies and misinformation, on every subject, on-line. There is a web site, QuackWatch (dot) org devoted to healthcare fraud. A very important site and highly recommended. Snopes (dot) com is also an outstanding source for debunking lies, rumors, nonsense and general idiocy. Be sure to check out both sites.
3. Make sure your iron levels, all *4* iron parameters, are where they are supposed to be in the RLS world. If you believe or have been told that your iron is "normal" or "within limits" or "OK" it very well may not be. Get tested the right way and be sure to overnight fast. We have a paper on RLS and iron, as well as videos. Proper iron levels may be CRITICAL.
4. Make a MAJOR effort to find a doctor who knows what RLS is and is *actively* treating patients and seeing positive outcomes. You can vett doctors over the phone - those who refuse to answer can be eliminated. An experienced Movement Disorder specialist is preferable. Don't forget about Neurology departments at medical schools and academic centers - colleges and universities. You may have to travel to get good, competent RLS help.
5. Once you find a doctor, by then you should be a minor authority on RLS yourself, from reading the papers here in the group's File folder. (NOTE:We do not generate or originate content - we are not doctors - we are fellow sufferers.) This info is from the leading RLS doctors and research centers in the country, and it is kept up-to-date.
6. You should be able to discuss with your doctor the various treatments available to relieve RLS symptoms. If s/he won't listen to you, you may have to find a doctor who will listen. You may have to travel to find competent help. Outside of the USA, work to change outdated, uninformed health care systems. The UK's National Health for instance is woefully outdated about RLS treatment.
7. Whatever you do, DO NOT MENTION FACEBOOK. Most health care professionals, usually with very good reason, dismiss social media as worthless and often deliberately misleading.
8. You must take your disease seriously and become your own advocate. Refuse to be a helpless, couch-sitting, arm-waving victim. You must persist and never give up. Don't waste your time trying to explain your disease to others. Don't even mention it. None of this is easy, but some measure of relief is available to EVERYONE. More effort from you will mean more success and possibly greater symptom relief.
9. Finally, do not tolerate incompetence and/or indifference in health care providers. Good help is out there. Good help is here in this group. We have a large group of wonderful members who will share their RLS history with you. We do not give medical advice, of course, but we know a thing or two. Stay with us, ask questions - there is no such thing as a 'dumb' question.
You have a responsibility to yourself to accept and address your disease. Blessings and he best of luck to all of you.