My email to Karla Dzienkowski, who is Executive Director of the Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation:
Recently a post on the forum indicated that Dr. John Winkleman has set up a site for health professionals to learn about RLS at Naturally I went out there and was quite disturbed about a number of things I found , but the link under Resources --> Symptoms and Diagnosis leads to the RLS Foundation site where under Treatment --> Medications it says "the FDA has approved 4 medicines to treat RLS - Ropinirole (Requip), pramipexole (Mirapex), gabapentin enacarbil (Horizant) and rotigotine (Neupro). And there is a line of space between each making them stand out. While this is true it just adds "several drugs approved for treatment of other medical conditions have undergone clinical studies with RLS patients and provide symptom relief when used "off label." Anyone reading this, doctors or patients, would think that DAs are the correct medication or Horizant which is expensive and not appropriate for most since it lasts 24 hours. I know this is not what the RLS Foundation would want doctors or patients to see. And the "several drugs . . . off label" are not even mentioned even though they are the first line treatment for RLS. Please, please, please consider changing this.
Her response:
Thank you for taking the time to send me a note. We are thankful to have such caring and compassionate individuals like you who are active in the RLS community. Our new website is currently under construction and we are in the process of revising page content. I have shared your concerns with the team.
Linda, like you, I am excited that Dr. Winkelman has created an online platform where doctors worldwide can seek guidance in the care and management of RLS patients from renowned RLS experts. Physician education is a key step in achieving better patient outcomes and quality of life.
Again, thanks for reaching out and for your continued membership and support.