No I’m not asking for your money Just your truths.
202O I did a YouTube video of me going to the drug clinic to get Buprenorphine .
I also set up an RLS page on Instagram that I have not used .
So although you don’t always see me on here most days even in the last month whilst I was in the arctic circle on holidays with my supportive caring husband , he is trying to sleep I am hiding in the bathroom making calls , messaging , and emailing , even contacting doctors in Australia for people who were going to … Well you know . I can’t stop because this disease won’t .
I have received several videos from people with their goodbye message and some attached a text message asking me to broadcast it.
I’ve lost 3 people in the last 5 weeks to this vile disease.
In talking to people I have released there is so much we forget to mention to doctors Questions even I was not asking such us what do you eat, tell me what 24 hr day looks like for you at different ages what do your worst days look like , tell me about your best days , anything unusual in your childhood , What is your parents sleep like , tell me how how your children sleep.
When I started asking people who are refractory and had suffered for a very longtime. What is your diet like - I learnt they barely eat , they live on hydration drinks, hydralyte iceblock , sustainage drinks etc and a couple of spoon full of food and they suffer , nausea , vomiting , pain , dizziness from not sleeping the list is lengthy definitely not restricted to lack of sleep and pacing the floor, Chronic pain was a big one the men often say when they get up they feel like they have done a round with mike Tyson of course they said it is really hard to describe .
I thought I was the only one who barely ate for 9 months and suffered the above as well as all the other horrific symptoms.
One of my 90 min calls tonight a young man in the UK who has gone from working a full day to 20 minutes he is the sole provider for his young family and has Avery physical job
As the call went on and I was asking questions he opened up more and more you could hear the penny drop . He thought he had lost the plot and his memory is failing and that his life was over After a battery of test for MS and a plethora of other tests he was left doubting himself as the doctors did a full work up and told him there was nothing wrong at all.
It made me release how many people become so weak we cannot advocate for ourselves so we go to the doctor and we don’t start at the beginning , we don’t think to say I can no longer eat a normal diet and I have been living on energy drinks and very little food for 9 months .We don’t mention our childhood symptoms, how many family members that suffer , that we can no longer drive a car. That we can’t do the shopping our partners have become our caree , that we have to lie on a blow up mattress. That when we do sleep we can unknowingly lash out and hurt our partners .
So I need to do more , and I would love your help , I have been putting it off for year.
You hear ice bucket challenge you instantly think ALS .
You here Willis Ekbom Disease you here HUH , you say RLS occasionally someone has heard of it but they don’t know what is , that it’s degenerative that more children have it than epilepsy.
It’s time to put faces to this disease thousands and thousands.
So please I don’t care if you want disguise your self use a pseudonym name or the handle you use on here Shumbah 😊
Its good to say a name and country and your job or what was your job before retirement or forced retirement .
Short videos are easier to email 60 seconds I believe .
Even if you do a few in the same day on different aspects. We are not firm stars so don’t fuss with your looks.
Have you had a proper sleep study
Age of first symptoms what were they
How it progressed.
How did it effect you life
How you have been treated by doctors and family ,.
know one lady who’s husband insists she stops her opioids
Are your parents night walkers
You children
I did not know how many nieces and grandchildren suffered until I asked.
How it’s effected your social life , can you drink.
Your diet
Sensitivity to light , sound
People envy
Will to live
If you have an exit plan be careful how you say that , it’s important for people to know .
Fear of aging , nursing homes etc
Can you catch a plane
Has it cost you your job
Medication Side effects
Things you have been told to try bar of soap, yes doctors are still saying it , I heard it from a man last week
Natural things your tried
Successes, failures
What did your sleep study reveal or a copy with anything sensitive blacked out
Areas effected
Videos of try’s g to sleep
Trying to watch TV all those torturous things we put up with
You can do as many as you like as often as you like as we need it to look busy to draw in the 5 million doctors that are on the doctor hash tag.
Now I know that myself and others have been trying varies doctors for a clinical trial on Buprenorphine because it has over a very very high success rate.Dr B is current doing a very small one on 55 people not ready to publish yet been running for 2 years
When a big trail transpires I want the page very established .
I have plans to raise the funds at this stage last price Proff John Winkleman told me was 100,000 usd, I think the trail most likely will be in the UK.
The challenge I am thinking of is the night walker’s challenge, how long can they pace , stand without sleep the record is 35 hours
I will hold art auctions which I would donate and all the funds raised. I live in a high rise of 150 units amongst people with deep pockets and they do a lot of fund raising events .Some have really seen me suffering some even cooked me special brownies in the hope it would help.
It’s time the world new what this disease was .
I did my first 2 posts today a video and a post and I was able to attach Professor Richard Allen’s last video he record in Vancouver.
I plan on posting links of Dr Bs fabulous YouTube videos.
I am flying to New York to interview Dr Glen Brooks and I have some other doctors up my sleeve.
I have vile letter from doctors about patients I have permission to post I will black out names and good news letters .I hope I can get the sizing right.
The page directs everyone to healthunlocked .com Let’s w
See how our numbers grow when I joined there where 12000 I think
I know it’s tough PTSD reliving for those who are now well.
We would not be where we are today if we had not helped each other it most certainly was not because of majority of the doctors.
Helping me with this not only helps us but our children and grandchildren
Instagram page is rls_stories
My email is if I receive a video or text I will send you a media release for to sign or you can send me an email giving permission for me to use your information on social media platforms I will also try to do TikTok , threads anything I can. If I have to I will pay someone to help me .
Let them not die in vain
How does that sound ?
Click here below I hope the link works , I have spent 15 hours today on all this might be time to eat it’s been 24 hrs 😂