Hi everyone as you know know October 29th will be 3rd anniversary for 2mg Buprenorphine.
Although the Buprenorphine worked from night one what I did not expect was the PTSD .
I did struggled with PTSD I continued on helping other access buprenorphine in as many countries as possible. I think you will agree once we are well all we want to do is live but we must not leave others in the dark.
Thankfully the struggle with PTSD has not won .
I have gone back to painting art which has been very cathartic I have also recommended this to other RLS survivors who have also suffered PTSD post buprenorphine success.
The art appears to be helping them to.
For those interested instagram page kestersart
I will be exposing RLS on all art platforms.I read yesterday the percentage of RLS sufferers is 5 to 15 percent and they are only the documented cases , likely lot higher.
I would like to say to you all success stories PRINT them off and file them.
Information is vital in educating the younger doctors as they come through.
Always remember Willis Ekbom disease is not the medical curriculum so they are not educated about RLS they are also worried about opioids which I am certain they all have some in their own medical cabinet at home.
Every time I visit my doctor I take him sprint off of the new buprenorphine success stories.
I book a long appointment so he has to read them, and he scans them into my medical file.
He knows the fight I have had to get to this point.
Better to be prepaid incase you unavoidably have a change of doctors.
Anyone with Buprenorphine success stories please always add your country.
final side note
Buprenorphine means I dream every time I sleep day or night.
That was certainly new for me , and it it means my sleep is high quality and healing.