YouTube video at drug / pain clinic - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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YouTube video at drug / pain clinic

Shumbah profile image
27 Replies

So I have this amazing drug that works buprenorphine however I have had a hard time accessing it in Australia also the pharmacies have refused to fill my prescriptions even after they speak to the doctor or doctors I should say.

Lucky for me I brought back a years worth knowing I would need time to fight Queensland health.

I have just uploaded a video on You tube of me at the drug clinic before my appointment with the lovely Dr Haylliar.

I may do some more Videos on you tube about this wretched disease-we shall see

If you would like to watch

Just google Kester Howard restless legs and it should come up.

Never done anything like this before a bit nerve racking but people need to know what we have to go through 😖

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Shumbah profile image
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27 Replies
Madlegs1 profile image

You are doing a great job!! Keep going and good luck with it all. 😊

Accipiter profile image

I'm from your area, you have no chance of getting buprenorphine. It will not happen.

I would explore other options.

in reply to Accipiter

What has been your experience Accipiter? I'm in WA and am hopeful of accessing it legitimately.

Accipiter profile image
Accipiter in reply to

I share a house with someone working in drug treatment, it was a fight just to get these drugs so they are tightly regulated.

So no off script due to scheduling.

Shumbah profile image
Shumbah in reply to Accipiter

Hi Accipiter

I now have my regular supply of Subutex in my draw at home .

I’m a never give up type girl a pusher I have been told.

Restless legs foundation australia/NZ

Facebook has nearly 1000 members told me I am not the only one being prescribed Buprenorphine in Australia the more the merrier.


Accipiter profile image
Accipiter in reply to Shumbah

It may not be as simple as you make out as it is for opioid dependence only.

Other use is not legal.

Shumbah profile image
Shumbah in reply to Accipiter

I don’t think my journey in the slightest looks easy nor has it been.

$50000 in travel face to face appointments in foreign countries with no insurance and I can not not even count the weeks of hours I spent sitting in dry baths in hotel rooms in agony so as to not disturb my husband sending emails typing reports , correlating data endless dead end calls.

All the information I have is from professionals in the field and it has all been run past QUEENSLAND HEALTH trust me they are the hard ones to deal with QLD health argued with me telling me I actually caused RLS .

Anyway I now have it in writing and I am not the only one On buprenorphine in Australia

Trust me if it was not legal the pharmacy would not fill the prescription.

And if you read Dr Jeremy letter to the pharmacists it states what condition it is for and that it is indeed NOT for substance abuse in fact it is a drug that helps stops dependence .

Anyway I have done my mammoth bit .

I received an email the other day

That thanked me he said it was like being released from a 20 year prison term in a Bali prison .

Anyway I have done my mammoth bit !

If you would like more clarification you could contact the good doctor yourself only don’t rock my peaceful nights sleep and the other fortunate peoples now taking buprenorphine

I am actually pleased for people’s successes even if it is illegal marijuana etc

If it works and people are at peace I am thrilled for them to have relief from this vile disease.

My alternative was jumping from the balcony of my 24 floor apartment.

Ps although my posts are lengthy TRUST ME I have only shared the short clips .

Cup half full for this girl 😀

Accipiter profile image
Accipiter in reply to Shumbah

I was previously in policing and these things are clear, and can end badly when used on the edge of legislation and regs.

I hope it continues to work out well for you and others.

Shumbah profile image
Shumbah in reply to Accipiter

Lucky legislation is one thing I am very much working on changing as are some professors I know .

Nlthomp profile image
Nlthomp in reply to Shumbah

I appreciate so much that you have taken on the journey to help others who don’t have the means. I would never have known about Dr. Glen Brooks and Buprenorphine, had it not been one of her posts. It’s always easy to criticize when you’re sitting at home, reading remedies online, but Kester has left her home and her country looking for treatments. We should give credit where credit is due.

Shumbah profile image
Shumbah in reply to Nlthomp

Thanks N

I am absolute thrilled for you to have your life back , still legs , sleep 😴 yahoo

If others had not shared with me both on this site and some Doctor friends in oz , my enduring husband it could never have happened.

Talk soon 🌸 most likely in the middle of your night or mine 😂

Nlthomp profile image
Nlthomp in reply to Shumbah

Most likely in the middle of the night 😂😂

You go Shumbah! Great clip, thanks for all the work you're doing raising awareness of the difficulties in accessing buprenorphine in Australia and elsewhere.

Shumbah profile image
Shumbah in reply to

Hello Amrob

I now have my script filled now with an uninterrupted supply .

Take my letters with you and the contact details for Dr Tim Amos he is more than happy to talk to other doctors and will be easy to contact. If need be Dr Jeremy Hayllar also very helpful.

Ask for Subutex 2mg sublingual reasoning you can you a lessor dose and minimise side effects whilst working out the dose unique for you .

Please let me know how you go .

I would like to collect as much data on the use of buprenorphine so we can present the truth as Professor Richard Allen said he wishes he had funding for a study.

Pm if you need anything

I am putting out good vibrations for you 😃

Nlthomp profile image

Thanks for all your hard work, Kester. Raising awareness is so important!! If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have known to call Dr. Glen Brooks. I’m hoping someday people outside of the US will have the same opportunity.

Keep it up 👍🏼

TheDoDahMan profile image

There's a special place in heaven reserved for you. Keep punching and let's get every MD to the place where they will be willing to prescribe low-dose opioids to palliate this loathsome condition. I was finally able to access low-dose methadone (5 mg, twice daily) and it has CHANGED MY LIFE! Like you, I also have been having problems with pharmacies reluctant to fill my prescriptions because of fears of the DEA hassling them.

Shumbah profile image
Shumbah in reply to TheDoDahMan

I am thrilled for you all we want is our right to live a life most medical professionally take for granted.

Unless like Lana’s Dr who suffers from RLS and he has no problem prescribing Buprenorphine and other opioids

Faithatthebeach profile image

Buprenorphine is the same as belbuca which is an opioid. It really did help me, but the only form of it that's abailable was a small patch that disolved by sticking it on the inside your mouth against your cheek. It could take up to an hour to disolve and l got sick from having to taste it in my mouth, so my pain management doctor switched me to other opioids that are in pill form which work just as well, but belbuca is supposed to be gentler.

You are very lucky to have a years worth because in the U.S states have very low limits of what they can prescribe and usually no more than 1 month.

I feel your pain and frustration and thanks for writing so others can see what goes on

Shumbah profile image
Shumbah in reply to Faithatthebeach

Thanks Faith

So your opioids work that you are on ?

Faithatthebeach profile image
Faithatthebeach in reply to Shumbah

Opioids work Great for me when taken under doctor's supervision and not abused. I find so much more relief, than taking 4 or 5 different prescriptions or OTC that drain you out, put you to sleep and do mot provide enough relief.

Wish you well

minired profile image

Has anybody in the UK had experience of these drugs. I have ropinirole and gabapentin. But these are beginning to not work.

Thank you, Jennifer

Joolsg profile image
Joolsg in reply to minired

You can get opioids like Tramadol, codeine, OxyContin and oramorph in the UK but not buprenorphine or methadone even though they are safer and more effective. As our American cousins over the pond say ‘Go figure’.

It sounds like you may be suffering augmentation so read the pinned post and watch the videos about it on the main UK RLS site.

minired profile image

Thank you so much. I will certainly follow your advice.

kylieah profile image

I used to be on fentanyl patches (not for RLS but another medical condition) and was switched to buprenorphine but it did not help me at all cause the doses were no where near the same so I went back on fentanyl. I no longer use the patches and am now on Targin and Endone and it has also helped with the RLS symptoms. It's hard finding a doctor to listen to you these days. I just had to find a new one and everyone I tried said they'd take me off the pain medication but I finally found one who understands why I need it and won't take it off me. I will check your video out.

RLSSCARER profile image

Are your videos still available on YouTube, I have a friend who is seriously effected by this disease, and she has had any relief, the psychiatric medication are causing her serious problems and the psychiatrist don't listen, I told them not to use antidepressant and they did, then she could not sleep a wink. And ended locked in a ward, forced to take medication known to worsen the symptoms, causing her hysteria now

Shumbah profile image
Shumbah in reply to RLSSCARER

Apologies, I hate to leave anyone high and dry

I am really struggling to recover with severe sepsis

Under my profile is a huge a lot of information.

If you have no yet done so I would put a post on here about your friend , we all have different experiences and you will get the best information and support.

Definitely go through my profile I print off any that me help

RLSSCARER profile image
RLSSCARER in reply to Shumbah

Hi thanks for your reply I would recommend to use half teaspoon raw honey and mix turmeric into the honey and eat 3 times per day, is a natural antibiotic, organic apple cider vinegar in a glass of water each morning, black strap molasses for minerals and iron, moringa the tree of life, is a powerful plant loaded with nutrients and is cheap to buy from a health food store.

I had alot go on today. I'm tired

Take care on you.

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