I will be switching from methadone to buprenorphine. How common is nausea as a side effect? Does it go away over time? My doctor gave me 60 anti-nausea pills, but insurance hasn't approved my switch to buprenorphine yet. Just wondering what to anticipate. I asked to change because of some cognitive issues with methadone and hoping buprenorphine will work better for me.
Buprenorphine and nausea: I will be... - Restless Legs Syn...
Buprenorphine and nausea

What is the name of the anti-nausea medicine you were given?
Thanks for asking: ondansetron hcl 4 mg
Ondansetron (Zofran) should help with nausea. As Jools mentions it does have listed side effects (but then so do most meds!): in the UK, common or very common side effects listed are constipation; feeling hot; headache; sensation abnormal; also uncommonly - arrhythmias; chest pain; hiccups; hypotension; movement disorders; oculogyric crisis; seizure.You'll have seen that Jools chose to use medical cannabis instead
I had Very severe nausea & vomiting for 7 days. I very, very nearly gave up but it really was Last Chance Saloon for me. It stopped ALL my RLS so I was determined to find a solution. Zofran is given in the USA but it's unavailable in the UK except via hospitals. I wangled a prescription from my MS hospital consultant but was too scared to take it when I read the side effects. I had medical cannabis left over and remembered that chemo patients use it for nausea. I took 0.3ml cannabis oil at night for a week. It stopped the nausea instantly. When I stopped the cannabis a week later, the nausea had disappeared.
So, it does happen in the first few weeks to some patients, not all. It does tend to reduce in severity as your body adjusts.
It's good that you have an anti nausea ready, just in case.
Hope it helps & your cognitive issues reduce.
Did you also try methadone?
Hi ratfancy - I have been on buprenorphine patches and now sub-lingual tablets and I did not suffer any nausea at all so I hope you will be as lucky. Good Wishes
I never made it past one night on 100mcg buprenorphine (Temgesic). I experienced terrible nausea. I may try it again in the future with anti-nausea meds.

Amrob bare in mind Zofram can be taken in 8 mg dose, just incase they describe 4mg and it’s nit sufficient you can take 2 equally a total of 8 mg no more also CBD and THC work so well for cancer sufferers all just thoughts.
I pray you get the relief you deserve.
not all suffer from nausea or side effects. You may not being as methadone is much stronger and hangs onto more receptors in the brain so maybe the down grade will be easier.
If you suffer and 4 mg Zofram is not sufficient 8 mg Is maximum dose .
When I suffer occasional bad reflux I take 8 mg Zofram but no more.
CBD and THC are also good.
I am really keen to hear of your success, plan time off persevere don’t give up in the first few days . I know a lot of people who give up very quickly when starting Buprenorphine.
Joogls is a good example of someone who had the worst and longest side effects I have heard when starting Buprenorphine I am so pleased she persevered.
Majority have no side effects or very minimal.
I believe you have a lot to gain from this transition
Did you suffer side effects when starting on methadone ?
Methadone works well for me. BUT... I took a cognitive test at the Alzheimer's research center and I came out Low Normal. Yikes! Then I started to research methadone and long-term effects on cognition. I asked my doctor about trying buprenorphine as maybe it won't make me as stupid. If I take 5-10 mg methadone, sometimes I feel like I shouldn't be driving. I'm 70 years old, so my future cognition is an important topic for me. The years of poor sleep (and apnea) I have endured can't be good for my brain so I want to try everything I can to preserve my capabilities. Sleep and exercise and watching A1c are important to preserve brain health. Thanks for asking!
I have some nausea and severe stomach pain from Bup that makes it difficult for me to eat. I’ve tried Ondansetron but it made RLS worse for me. Bup also causes depression in me.
This is an interesting subject. When I read about Ondansetron I had some questions if it should have been prescribed for me. This because I have bipolar and the drug can apparently increase serotonin, which in bipolar people can induce mania, or paradoxically for some, depression. It's a tricky walk. But then it may depend on frequency and dosage. I don't mind a mild mania once in awhile!
Yes, it’s really a serotonin antagonist, but in a round about way, it can still cause problems with people who are sensitive. If you read up on serotonin syndrome, you’ll see that many types of medications can be problematic even if they decrease serotonin and increase dopamine. The two have a tight relationship which also means it’s difficult for doctors to decide on whether people with bipolar really need less serotonin or dopamine, or something else entirely, e.g. less glutamate. I don’t have that problem (bipolar) but I do see myself as suffering from serotonin toxicity. I don’t tolerate anything on the black list.