04/03/23 Edit : In hindsight, with apologies to those have already responded - though I think the body of the post communicates the concern better - I wish I would have titled this post “Is the risk of developing DA augmentation overblown?”
Also, I’ve had some unexpected issues come up but will respond to everyone asap.
I intermittently check in here and find a lot of support and good information. I’m writing for a couple of reasons:
Lately, I have been concerned about information that is leading to what, in my opinion, appears to be an unsupported demonization of the historically, most studied and most effective RLS/PLMD medication class - Dopamine Agonists. The concerns are primarily due to the risk of and experience with augmentation. However, I thought it would be helpful to hear what the 2021 Mayo updated recommendations state with an excerpt (below). I’d rather have more ”tools” to deal with RLS/PLMD than less. At this rate, with public opinion and, the overzealous cautions of experts and websites, one day DA’s may not even be an option. That would be a limitation and a shame. We need all the options we can find. Promise, I’m not a big pharma rep..
Also, as I’ve never experienced augmentation or DA withdrawal but hear that it’s hellacious for many people and, that I may go through it one of these days, I’d like to hear people’s experiences with it and under what conditions they occurred. There’s also DA ”rebound” which is different but sometimes a part of DA discontinuation so it would be good to know which occurred.
A couple of things that stand out below:
- there an 8% chance in any year that you develop augmentation
- not all DAs carry the same risk
- developing impulse control disorders are as likely and up to 2X as likely
- there are ways to minimize your risk of developing augmentation
- there are ways to minimize it if and when it does occur
From the 2021 Mayo Proceedings:
“Two major problems often limit the use of dopamine agonists, which is why they are not recommended as first-line agents unless there are contraindications to alpha2-delta ligands. The single and by far most common problem is disease augmentation (onset of RLS symptoms earlier in the day after an evening dose of medication, spread of symptoms to the arms, paradoxical worsening of symptoms with dose increase, and shorter effect of each dose of medication; For pramipexole and ropinirole, this occurs in about 40% to 70% of patients during a 10-year period or at an annual rate of 8% per year for at least the first 8 years of use. Augmentation frequency with the rotigotine patch may be slightly lower at 36% after 5 years. The risk of augmentation is dose dependent, thus the great importance of not exceeding recommended maximum doses.”
“A second common adverse effect of long-term dopamine agonist use is impulse control disorder, with rate of occurrence estimated to be between 6% and 17%. Before dopamine agonist therapy is commenced, patients should be questioned about a history of impulse control disorder, although the disorder may occur for the first time on starting the drugs. An impulse control disorder, which may be manifested as pathologic gambling, impulsive shopping, or hypersexuality, commences an average of 9 months after introduction of the drug {I can imagine situations when an Impulse Control Disorder could result in a rapid discontinuation of a DA and lead to horrendous rebound symptoms}. Both these serious adverse effects should be assessed at every follow-up visit. If augmentation is mild (predominantly manifested by symptoms starting less than 2 hours earlier in the day), consider initially splitting the dose with some of the drug administered at an earlier time. Use of extended-release pramipexole or ropinirole can be considered, generally without increasing the total daily dose, although limited data are available on their use in RLS. If an increase in total dose of dopamine agonist is deemed necessary, careful monitoring is essential to detect progressive augmentation. If augmentation progresses after the second increase in dose, another increase should not be made. Subsequent choices include maintaining the dose, replacing oral agents with the rotigotine patch, adding another agent from a different class, and discontinuing the drug. Discontinuation of dopamine agonists because of severe augmentation or other adverse effects and substitution of a drug of a different class (such as an alpha2-delta ligand) can be achieved in 2 ways. The initial drug can be reduced slowly after the new agent is introduced with an overlap period when the patient is taking both medications. Alternatively, the initial drug can be reduced and discontinued with a drug holiday before the new agent is introduced. Higher doses of dopamine agonists should never be discontinued abruptly as serious withdrawal effects can occur, characterized by severe RLS, sleep disturbance, and depression. Rates of reduction should not exceed 0.25 mg (pramipexole) or 0.5 mg (ropinirole) every 3 days. Whereas a drug holiday can allow a new symptom baseline to be established, many patients with augmentation from dopamine agonists find it difficult to tolerate a period free of any medication, with exacerbation of RLS and profound insomnia lasting sometimes a week or longer after complete discontinuation”.
So yes, an 8% and 7-17% chance major problems can occur. Importantly, the studies these percentages are derived from were determined well BEFORE there was wide-spread awareness of augmentation - it’s causes, precautions, mitigators and clinical responses to it. Therefore, it stands to reason that due to increased patient and physician awareness, the risk of developing augmentation and mismanaging it will be reduced in the coming years while the ability to manage it successfully when it does occur will improve.
Let’s be cautious and aware, but let’s keep DA’s on the menu. We may need them one day.