After several months of Pramipexole withdrawing hell, my GP prescribed me Pregabalin today! First 50mg dose tonight to run alongside the 0.88mg Pram. If it seems to be working an a week or two, I’ll drop the Pram by half and up the Pregab a little at a time until no more Pram! Really hoping the Pregab works. Wish me all the best would ya!
Finally got Pregabalin!: After several... - Restless Legs Syn...
Finally got Pregabalin!

50mg pregabalin a day is a fairly low dose and you may struggle to notice any benefit. My natural inclination is always to take as few drugs as possible and the smallest amounts but I thought it might be worth mentioning in case you feel pregabalin isn’t helping … it might need a higher dose. I believe 300mg a day is a reasonable upper limit but as with most things you should check with a doctor.
Huge good luck! Are you aware your dose will need to increase?
Good luck. Medical cannabis can help when the withdrawal symptoms crank up with each dose reduction. Stay strong. It's really tough but, once off Pramipexole, the RLS settles.
I tried pregabalin for over two weeks and it made me so dizzy that I had to stop it. So be careful and aware of how you are feeling.
Will do thank you! Do you get vertigo anyway without Pregab help?