Firstly thank you all for your contributions which have helped me so much. I am a highly active 78 yo and have had RLS since I was 18yo
It has progressed in a classic way. Fived years ago I was introduced to Pramipexole by a consultant at hospital. It was a godsend and completely cured the symptoms. However of course the augmentation set in and I reached the maximum dose at the end of last year. Since then I have been switching over to Gabapentin. I have slowly reduced the Pramipexole to zero with no effects other than on the RLS. At the same time since Christmas I have been increasing the Gabapentin to find a satisfactory dose. At the moment I am on 12x 300mg spread over four doses in the day. I believe this is a high dose
Unfortunately though I am suffering my absolutely worst attacks almost every day. Start about 5.00 and finish whenever. I've been woken at 1.30am by elevating off the mattress and thrashing around.
My GP has been very helpful and is allowing me to find the right dose.
I have been taking two OTC iron tablets every day for over a year
I have had a recent iron panel test the results being said
by my GP to be normal however I don't understand the results
I would appreciate any help you can give