I have severe RLS, occurs any time of day and in whole body. For about 5 years I got relief by taking a hot bath, then I discovered Pramipexole but after increasing to maximum dose after 10 years, I had side effects and they stopped working. Switched to Gabapentin in the autumn 2013 but again these stopped working and also my new doctor would not prescribe as unlicensed in the UK and 3 weeks ago I started on 1 mg Rotigotine patches.
Whilst taking Gabapentin I read that going dairy free had helped someone so at the end of April 14 I tried one day dairy one day not for a week and immediately found my meds working again. I have had the same results with the patches and if I forget to apply a new one RLS kicks in.
So, if I use medication AND include a dairy free diet, the patch does work.
If I don't use the patch but remain dairy free, RLS kicks in with a vengeance.
I can recommend at least trying to exclude dairy if your meds no longer work effectively.