I would be interested to see if any one has experienced symptom changes from when they first had/diagnosed with RLS .
Initially, my RLS was the classic, constantly having to move my legs during the night while sleeping or resting. Even sitting in a chair, for long periods of time ( aeroplane,cinema) I couldn’t sit still.
Over the years my symptoms have changed, although I still find it difficult to sit for long periods of time, my symptoms when lying down in bed to sleep have gone through various changes.
I experienced the feeling of having a tourniquet around the mid section of my thigh, I used to have the sensation that I had a Mexican wave flowing from my pubic line down to my knees as if my legs were waking up seconds after the rest of me.
Until recently (12 months) it was only ever in my right leg.
Now I experience discomfort in both front thighs. Now the feeling is a prickling, shaking, tremors again trying to find ways to describe it is almost as bad as the condition. The main problem for me now is that this latest symptom is waking me up on average 4 times a night, every night. I’m emotional, frustrated, tired and fed up of the constant tossing and turning to get back off to sleep after being woken up.
I’ve had MRI’s thinking it was an orthopaedic condition- nothing was found
I’ve had physio, paid for Accupuncture, chiropractors, massage,used a tens machine in the past as a nightly aid. A pain clinic professor suggested I invest in one that can do 8 hours rather than the normal 25 mins? This latest symptom is completely different because I can fall asleep but can’t stay asleep for more than two hours before the sensation wakes me up or my brain wakes me up to deal with the symptom? I have no clue.
I have just done the RLS-Rating Scale and scored 32.