Many years ago my Mom was prescribed quine pills for her RL. It worked great but she had to change meds since quine could cause heart problems. I can't remember what she was switched to but it worked as well but she was in her 80's by this time. My new neurologist suggested I try tonic water (it has quine as a ingredient). Just wondered if anyone has tried it and if it helped? Thanks
Has anyone tried tonic water for rest... - Restless Legs Syn...
Has anyone tried tonic water for restless legs?

There used to be more quinine in tonic water but because of the dangers reduced it so there is very little in it now. You can try it, but it is unlikely to help.
Thanks, I ordered some but they say it is bitter. I will give it a shot but have little hope.
It doesn't help.FDA banned it except for leg cramps.
If the FDA have banned tonic water to go with her gin my wife may boycott the US 😉I think they actually said that Quinine is not considered safe and effective for the treatment or prevention of leg cramps, and banned the sale of all non-approved brands of quinine. There is so little Quinine in tonic nowadays....
As with many things, some swear by tonic water some say it does nothing. I've never noticed any effects either way, as long as I avoid Diet tonic (sweeteners trigger me. But then so does sugar if I have too much)
I have had relief with tonic water and have 1-2 mini mixer cans regularly when symptoms start. I use is as one of the tools to help, mixed with pacing up and down, doing squats on the balls of my feet and kicking my legs out. I also occasionally use a foam roller on my quads which can help a bit. Good luck!
The miracle RLS reliever for me any time one leg or another starts up is Magnalife Relaxing Leg Cream. You can order it online or find it in many US drug stores. I apply it liberally not thick just like it’s skin cream from my ankles to the tops and backs of my knee. It eases inflammation and swelling, which is the usual trigger for my RLS. In minutes—as soon as it dries & let it dry. Don’t put pant or pjs back on or go to bed until it dries. It is not greasy, it absorbs quickly, and smells great. As soon as I apply it, my RLS is gone for the rest of the night. If it does comes back during the night, you can reapply it. It’s all natural with only holistic ingredients. I love it. Been using it for years.
Tonic water did not work for me.
Having refractory RLS I can honestly say there isn’t anything I haven’t tried. I am a Registered Nurse and I knew most of the remedies people told me about sounded bonkers but in the off chance they’d work, you betcha I tried them. Ivory soap in between my legs, tonic water, eat this or don’t eat that, this oral iron or that oral iron and those are only a few I can think of right now. But the truth is like so many others, the RLS game was forever changed for me because of being prescribed a DA, for me Requip. Requip has rendered any holistic approaches useless. What may have helped someone who never took a DA, will never help me because Requip has destroyed the dopamine receptors in my brain. Only someone who actually suffers with RLS can really understand RLS. And only RLS patients who have gone through augmentation can understand that hell as well. We may all have a different experience with treatment based on where we live or who our medical providers are but one thing is for sure, we can all agree RLS sucks!
Wow that’s it! I’ve never seen it explained so well. I was on requip and the same thing happened to me. I finally did get it under control with 100 mgs of Pregabalin 3x a day and 100 mgs of Tramadol 3x a day. Works very well for me. Thank you for explaining the DA affect. I went to a so called pain meds specialist who was shocked when I told my Requip story. They said someone should change the training still given since Requip is still the first line of treatment taught in pain medicine programs.