I tried to get an appt to see a specialist at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore and was told they are not "seeing patients with this diagnosis". They are the Quality Care Center nearest to me. Any ideas of how to get onto a waiting list?
RLS appt at Johns Hopkins: I tried to... - Restless Legs Syn...
RLS appt at Johns Hopkins

No idea - I don't think they have a waiting list. I tried to see them too a year or so ago and was told the same thing. I can give you the name of the doctor I see in Northern Virginia if you want. He does virtual appointments.
Oh yes, that would be great. I really don't know where I stand now with my RLS. I'd love to have a conversation with a knowledgable doctor! thanks,
Dr Lawrence Stein PMA Health 1625 N George Mason Drive, Suite 355, Arlington, VA Phone 703-521-6662 Website: mypmahealth.com/ I don't know if he would treat you if you are not in Virginia but you can call and ask.
Nona and Sue, it might be worthwhile to report this experience back to rls.org. As one of the main US practising rls researchers, Christopher Earley, is at Johns Hopkins Balitmore, this is a strange reply. And of course because they are listed as a quality care center. One would imagine that is not dependent on Earley alone. It would be a great loss if JH at Baltimore is no longer available or able to provide care to rls patients.
Actually looking back at what RLSNona was told - I wasn't told that. I was just told they weren't accepting any new patients . So RLSNona would have to be the one to report this - and yes that was a strange thing they told her.
I just checked back to see who I contacted. The Johns Hopkins Center for RLS....I filled out an online form for patients outside of Maryland and received this reply: Thank you for selecting Johns Hopkins Medicine for your healthcare needs. At this time we are not currently seeing patients with your diagnosis. Please reach out to your local physician for additional assistance. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us should you need our services on any other health concerns in the future. Kindest Regards, Johns Hopkins USA Team - CRJohns Hopkins at Keswick Building 3rd Floor3910 Keswick Rd, Baltimore, MD 21211Phone: 410-464-6555Fax: 410-464-6600
Before I contact RLS foundation I will call them on Monday and request an appt.
thanks for catching this.....
Great. I don't know if he will prescribe opioids if you need them as I didn't need them. Also although he is very knowledgeable about RLS, he doesn't always know as much as those of us on the forum so check back here with any questions. For example he didn't know that cymbalta would make RLS worse and prescribed it for me. Also he doesn't know that gabapentin isn't absorbed as well in doses above 600 mg and needs to be divided as I mentioned in my previous reply. He is tolerant about me doing so but doesn't believe it is necessary.
They wouldn't see me, either. I was trying to get in various places at the beginning of 2022.