Had my 1st visit with Dr out of Vanderbilt, hubby and I really liked him. We talked with him for nearly an hour and he wants to work with my Primary Care physician at home, to co ordinate my treatment. Met with primary care today and she is very willing to work with him. He said my Ferrittin level of 11 was very low and he wants me to start on iron supplements for the next few months, My local physician will do full blood panels every two months to see if there is any increase. I will have a sleep study in 6 weeks, he also wanted my Gabapentin (sp) tripled what my primary had me on (she presribed it for Chemo induced neuropathy not RL) . He said he would prescribe it if she didn't want to increase but she was more than willing to do so. After 4 months of oral iron, if no improvement, we will discuss infusions. I am very pleased that both doctors are so willing to work together plus it will save us 2 hours in travel to Vandy. I am quietly hopeful, I have been decreasing my Requip but it is a struggle but manageable. I seldom every let myself take more than 1 mg a day for several years, so hoping the nights slowly get better.
Met with neurologist out of Vanderbil... - Restless Legs Syn...
Met with neurologist out of Vanderbilt yesterday

Your doctor may have told you this but just in case: take your iron with 100 mg of vitamin C or some orange juice since that helps its absorption. Normally one would take it every other day but since your ferritin is so low, I would suggest taking it every 24 hours. Do not take it any sooner than that as it won't be absorbed. Take it preferably at night as it is absorbed better at night at least 1 hour before a meal or coffee and at least 2 hours after a meal or coffee since iron is absorbed better on an empty stomach. If you take magnesium take it at least 2 hours apart since it interferes with the absorption of iron. Don't take tumeric as it can interfere with the absorption of iron. Also don't take calcium supplements nor antacids near when you take iron. Which iron are you taking?
Again your doctor may have told you this: Take it the gabapentin 1 to 2 hours before bedtime. If you need more than 600 mg take the extra 4 hours before bedtime as it is not as well absorbed above 600 mg. If you need more than 1200 mg, take the extra 6 hours before bedtime. If you take magnesium don't take it within 3 hours of taking gabapentin as it will interfere with the absorption of the gabapentin. How much is 3 times your current dose?
I had already purchased Gentle Iron but he suggested over-the-counter ferrous sulfate 325 mg or Elemental iron 65 mg. I am having trouble figuring out if the Gentle Iron will work or I need to purchase another. Do you know if Gentle Iron will work the same as what Dr suggested? Thanks
I was only taking 300 mg for neuropathy nightly. He said if needed, he could increase the dosage. He mentioned 300 mg in afternoon and then 600 mg before bed. He said just pay attention if it makes me drozy in mornings. Thanks for the additional info.
I see Dr. Walters at Vanderbilt . He is one of the most knowledgeable. I had to change my primary care physician in Kentucky because the first one would not cooperate. Good luck to us.
Hi I am curious what doctor you saw at Vanderbilt? My old dr from NJs JFK Neuroscience center is there now. Dr Arthur Walters. He is an excellent Dr for RLS. I just tried emailing him yesterday to see if he could recommend a Doctor here in NJ for me.
This is great information. I'm close to Vanderbilt and am looking for a knowledgeable Dr.