My husband has just started to use Delta 8 gummies for his restless legs. He uses at night. It’s working. I think this is much better than opiates, or kratom Or pharmaceuticals. Anyone else using, seems like an easy thing to get in USA.
Delta 8: My husband has just started to... - Restless Legs Syn...
Delta 8

What dose of THC does he get with the gummies?
I don’t know ? I will ask him . It’s working which is a great sign!
Just ordered some. I ordered a brand called Summit. CBD gummies with no THC does not relieve my RLS. So far this expensive gadget I bought doesn’t either. So I always end up taking the ferrous bisglycinate. I would like to find just one other somewhat natural substance that provides immediate relief. I believe there are good long term treatments like Eryl’s diet, intermittent fasting and tinkering with the gut microbiome, but I want something that provides near complete relief within one hour.

I agree with you natural things are best!! But I’d rather see him use gummies than opiates. I agree microbiome plays key roles. What’s Eryls diet ??
Anti-inflammatory one. Hopefully he’ll be along to explain in more detail.

"...but I want something that provides near complete relief within one hour." Don't we all! I occasionally use a 5 mg THC gummy, but that mostly helps me just get to sleep. It also can trigger migraines for me, as do opiates. Now please don't judge, but the only thing I've found that actually provides complete relief immediately (NO JUDGING, PLEASE) is an orgasm. Seriously. The relief from the RLS usually lasts me long enough to be able to get to sleep, but not always. I'm honestly not trying to be crude, but when I'm suffering a bad bout of RLS, the orgasm is different from a normal one. It's like a wave of warmth right at my knees, where I suffer the most from the RLS feelings. The only problem is that orgasms can become "medicinal" as opposed to pleasurable. Oh, and I've been married for 22 years so I do have a husband who enjoys helping me with this medical treatment 😁
Yep, no question orgasm provides immediate relief. In a split second. The more it’s done it seems the relief time becomes shorter. As short as a few minutes. But yes, if you fall right to sleep you might be good.

I have been using Hyland’s Restful Legs for years. When my legs start acting up I take 2 of them (under the tongue) and 99%of the time the RLS abates, at least for a good while. I get them on Amazon.
I will try again. I’m not a big believer in homeopathy but your case is compelling.

I’m not a believer either but I’ve had great success with them. Also try walking around a bit too.

I used it and it worked for a couple of months, but then stopped working.
That’s great if it works for you.
However I’ve just been reading up about them as I’ve not heard of them and they do say “Hyland's Restful Legs calms agitated legs so you can rest, but does not treat Restless Legs Syndrome. If you suspect that you have this condition, please consult a physician.”
So I’m wondering if you do actually have restless leg syndrome?
This whole subject is fascinating.
Says the lady sitting here with my legs jerking about all over the place!
First of all, I most certainly do have restless leg syndrome. I’ve been seeing one of the world’s experts on Restless Leg for 7 years, Dr. Christopher Earley. I’m assuming that they are saying “agitated legs” as a back door term for restless leg syndrome. Maybe they can’t use the term as it is not a medically recognized treatment. It is not a treatment per say anyway. It’s an aid. Treat could be iron infusion, iron supplement etc. Trust me, I absolutely do have this. The tablets merely help with temporary relief.
I just read the description on the product and it specifically says “ creepy, crawly feel, when your legs itch and you have a compulsion to move them, especially while lying down, sleeping, or sitting still for long periods.”
That totally describes Restless Leg Syndrome. Not to be rude but is that what you have?

Hi, in my experience CBD itself does not help it’s the THC which is the active ingredient. There are many different strains some better for sleep, others for pain and then there are far stronger ones for recreational use.

Hi, there! I don't think you have tried Kratom. One teaspoon of Kratom powder provides relief within 5-10 minutes. No matter how severe it is or even if you have plmd along with the rls. It says it is naturally derived from the root of a tree in Asia.
I'm not saying it is safe or not safe, but it has totally saved me. Especially when I need fast relief. I am still working on how to make it last longer than a couple of hours-by taking more teaspoons. I also have the capsules and they take longer to work. The combination of powder and the capsules can bring relief for a while.
I’m also curious about how many mg. of THC is in each gummy. I feel too “stoned” if I take 1/2 of a 25mg. Delta 8 gummy and less hasn’t been effective. However, I do get short term relief in the evening if I vape it.
I find a 10 mg gummy taken before dinner is perfect for releasing RLS and helping me sleep. Unfortunately Drs in U.K. very reluctant to prescribe them and viewed as drug seeking if you ask for them. They have been happy to dole out large amounts of strong doses of opiates over the past 15 years! So I have to buy them illegally! I believe you can get them easily on private prescription now but I can’t afford that.
I am having good results with something similar. I am using THCO gummies and they help me relax and sleep. I still take meds to help control the RLS symptoms like having to move my legs and twitching, but the THC helps me fall asleep and stay asleep. I think I am sleeping soundly enough so that the symptoms of the RLS do not wake me up as easily.
I’ve heard those gummies are good.
Do they actually have THC in them or just CBD?
I have and take the medicinal ones for nerve pain to get to sleep and they also allow me to actually sleep through.
THCO is a synthetic form of THC. The hemp plant is used. Then it's put through a chemical process and the synthetic THC is produced. I have used CBD without THC and it doesn't help me sleep or relax