I have been taking sertraline for several years. Since my restless legs got worse and I have been reading about it, I am cutting back. Does anyone else think that the antidepressant made the restless legs worse? And has anyone come off the antidepressants and coped? I’m coming off from slowly so far so good. The trouble is the restless legs are bloody miserable
Sertraline: I have been taking... - Restless Legs Syn...

yes antidepressants can make RLS worse.Glad you're coming off it slowly and hope you are ok without it
Yes it is known to trigger RLS.A better alternatives would be Wellbutrin,Trazodone or Serzone.Good luck.
I took sertraline for about 6 weeks and had restless legs for the first time ever at age 55 ... it came on gradually and hung on with a vengeance! The cause could quite possibly have been casused by meds for insomnia too which I took for only a few weeks or the sertraline. (Sometimes pin pointing a cause is really difficult if you have a few ailments and take several medications.)Anyway, after stopping the sertraline for at least a month it gradually became bearable and after 2 months - no restless legs at all! I hope you can get rid of the RLS as it was a horrible few months for me so I understand!
What medications are you taking to control your RLS may I ask?
I don't know. I had RLS for years before taking Sertraline but did go off it for the chance that my RLS would improve. I was also still on Mirapex a DA too. So I first and gradually went off Mirapex and went on to Gabapentin was put on 1300 mg which was WAY too much for me. ( side effects ) then I switched off the Sertraline and on to Wellbutrin and I am now down to only 300 mg of Gabapentin nightly for the RLS and feel fine.