I posted a week ago as a newbie about experiencing RLS after taking Sertraline, thinking that was the cause. A few days ago I saw my doctor and laid out all the health issues I've been having: RLS, pounding headaches upon waking, getting out of breath easily, feeling weak, pounding heart, and ringing in the ears. (A week ago I almost went to the emergency room because my heart was pounding so much and my blood pressure was high. But I decided I was probably having a panic attack.) Anyway, I nudged my doctor into at least checking my iron levels; she wouldn't do a full panel/CBC because 3 months ago it was mostly normal.
On Saturday my results were emailed to me:
Total iron - 58* Says normal is 45-160
Iron binding capacity - 408
Saturation - 14%** Says normal is 16-45%
Ferritin - 17* Says normal is 16-232
This is pretty significant right? I've been scanning the internet all night and things are falling into place. It's the weekend so I can't talk to my doctor and I'd like someone's opinion.
I also just read that Omeprazole, which I've taken for 15 years, inhibits iron absorption so it's possible that's a cause.
Anyway, I feel a bit relieved that I may know some of what's going on and that perhaps I can fix it! Thanks for reading my babbling!