Anyone notice a corelation between sugar and RLS. I woke up in the middle of the night the other day and had a few gulps of rootbeer. Less than an hour later my legs were aching. I like a bowl of raisin bran as a late night snack bur if I put any sugar on it the RLS kicks in when I hit the hay. Thanks
RLS and sweets: Anyone notice a... - Restless Legs Syn...
RLS and sweets

Yes, sugar is known to exacerbate RLS symptoms in some.
Could be any of the other ingredients in the root beer.
Read the ingredient label very closely.
Yes, it's because sugar is inflammatory and the sugar causes inflammation in the nerves. I've completely eliminated my rls by avoiding inflammatory foods, like anything containing added refined sugar, most wheat based products because the starch is metabolised into blood sugar, and the gluten causes them to have a high GI. I also avoid refined seed oils which cause oxidative stress which also causes inflammation.
Sugar free food and drink causes me more problems. It’s the artificial sugars that send my legs crazy
Most bran products have a large dose of sugar in to make them palatable, plus the raisins so even without added sugar you may be getting plenty.
Sugar is definitely a trigger for me (and many others). I also have a "curfew" on eating anything after 8pm, which also helps. I follow Eryl's advice for low carb (aka, low inflammatory) diet, plus alternate days of iron bisglycinate 25mg. My RLS is in remission without any drugs.
Yes, if I indulge in a lot of sugary foods or drinks, my RLS gets much worse that night.
I too have noticed a pick up of RLS if I eat sugar before bed time. I wonder if the insulin spike that artificial sweeteners produce (a larger one than sugar according to studies) is a culprit as well.
My RLS is generally mild in the evenings, BUT my PLMs at night are hideous. Not enough to wake me or my wife, BUT enough to stop me getting restorative sleep. Has anyone seen a reduction in PLMs by reducing inflammation?
I've cut out caffeine. Sounds like trying to get into ketosis would be a good test of this principle?
Yes, sugar and carbohydrates definitely contribute to the severity of my RLS, any time of day!
Your RLS is gone from diet changes ? No meds ? How severe was it prior to the changes you mad e?