Fellow RLS sufferers,
For a short bio, if you don't mind, you can skip to the second paragraph: I'm in my early 30s. Suffered mild RLS as long as I can remember I (didn't know it was RLS at the time). RLS increased in intensity and frequency during my 20s. It became a nightly thing around the time I was 25. I don't drink, don't smoke, I'm doing a ton of physical activities, plus yoga and stretching. I tried every natural remedy to help my RLS (vitamins & minerals). I've been taking 56 mg ferrous bisglycinate tablets once every other day for a long time. I've tried various restrictive diets. I stopped caffeine, sugar, etc. Nothing worked. Went through a whole serie of blood test everything is normal and my iron is high since I supplement. So I started taking pregabalin at 27 since I couldn't sleep otherwise. My dose has been stable for years (300 mg once before sleep). Pregabalin helps, but it does not prevent all symptoms. I still wake 2-5 times a night, with nights I can barely sleep. A GP suggested I try a DA (pramipexol). I knew I risked augmentation, but that I had to try it eventually alongside pregablin. I did suffer lack of efficacy and eventually augmentation after 3 months. Stopped taking pramipexol. A year later, I finally met a neurologist. She suggested I try pramipexol again. I did, same thing happened after 3 months. I was finishing my doctoral thesis and couldn't go through withdrawal, so I kept taking it for 6 months total. The withdrawal was brutal. It took me 3 months with little to no sleep. Cannabis oil taken orally helped ( a balance of THC/CBD from an indica strain).
After 2 1/2 years of waiting time, I finally met a sleep specialist. Spent a night at the clinic so they could monitor my sleep. In 7 hours, I woke 5 times and I had intense leg/full body spams 9 times per hour. So yeah, pretty intense RLS even with 300 mg pregabalin and cannabis. This sleep specialist was the only professional I met who knew about RLS treatment protocol (see the link at the end of this post). After seeing the result from my night there, he prescribed methadone outright alongside pregabalin. I'm slowly increasing my dose of methadone and diminishing my dose of pregabalin. It's only been a week, but I had to share this. I started at 0.5 mg, now at 1.5 mg + 225 mg pregabalin and I stopped taking cannabis oil. At 0.5 mg it worked somewhat. Then, at 1 mg, I started sleeping 8-9 hours a night and waking only once per night. Yup, I feel like a normal human being again. This is a ridiculously small dose. The eventual side effects can't be much worse than what I experience daily for years with 300 mg pregabalin + cannabis oil.
If you suffer from refractory RLS and meet a professional who doesn't follow this guideline, feel free to print it and shove it in their face. It's an open access paper, you don't need a license to get it: sciencedirect.com/science/a...
I'll keep the community updated on the long-term efficacy of methadone for my refractory RLS.