I take oxycodone and mirapax for rls. Last week I was supposed to have a colonoscopy. I took the above meds and got nauseous and threw up. I had to cancel the colonoscopy. I have another colonoscopy scheduled next week. I need to take my meds or I will have bad rls. What can I do to not get nauseous. I'm worried I will get nauseous again. I really need the colonoscopy for some problems I am having. Any suggestions?
Colonoscopy and nauseous: I take... - Restless Legs Syn...
Colonoscopy and nauseous

Just to clarify,
It sounds as if you "normally" take oxycodone and mirapexin and I'm guessing you take it every day.
Do you throw up every day?
The other thing is WHEN do you take the oxy and mira. The usual time is in the evening. Also WHEN did you vomit, was it soos after taking the oxy and mira?
When was your colonoscopy appointment? Was it in the middle of the night? Or next day.
I confess, I'm a bit confused by this.
how do you know it was the oxy and mira that caused you to vomit?
If you vomited several hours before the colonoscopy why did you cancel it?
Usually prior to a colonoscopy you may be given a strong laxative to empty your colon. Did you have one and when did you take that?
I got nauseous and threw up after taking the oxy and mirapex. It was 630 after drinking the prep. I think since my stomach was empty I threw up. I never throw up when taking my meds. I had another 32 oz of the prep to drI Ink and I couldnt do it. i didn't want to take the prep again because I had another oxy to take and I was afraid I would throw up again. Didn't want to chance it.
There are indeed different preps you can use. Beware of the $ - docs prescribed me one it cost $80US.
I was wondering the same thing. I am also supposed to prep for a colonoscopy and just figured for one, miserable night I wouldn’t be able to take any medication. I already expect it will be a bad night anyway (having to use the toilet at frequent intervals) so I figured I’d have to make peace with my legs being bad, too. But easier said than done. I’ve been putting my colonoscopy off for two years because when it was first recommended, my RLS was nowhere under control and I was already crying every night when i thought about having to go to bed (“torture chamber” time). There was no way I was going to walk willingly into a sleepless night on the toilet for a colonoscopy while I already wasn’t sleeping. Lol. Now, largely thanks to this site and my doctors, I sleep great but am still dreading the colonoscopy, so I feel for you. Are you sure you’re allowed to take medicine the night before? If you are allowed, maybe a bone broth with the meds might help the nausea. I know they prefer we only drink water. I hope you can figure something out.
I Asked the dr. for zofran (anti nausea Med). He gave it to me. It is difficult to talk to an actual dr when I call. The nurse ususally passes along the info. I am taking my meds and hopefully the zofran will help me not get nauseous. I did get a different prep that cost $111. Less to drink. RLS stinks. I always have to worry about it whenever I have some type of medical procedure...
I had the colonoscopy. the prep was a new one Suprep cost $111. It was horrible. I will never take that one again. The other prep tasted like candy next to Suprep. I took zofran before prep. I had no nausea. I was able to take my oxycodone and pramipexole at night. Thank God. It was all ok except the prep tasted like cough medicine even though I mixed it with Gatorade.
Ask your doctor if you can drink Ensure Clear.