I am a 68 year old who has been treated for many years with Sinemet (carbidopa/levadopa) for my RLS, which of course has led to augmentation. I have found a new doctor (in Virginia, US), who is on the medical advisory board of the RLS Foundation. He began the switchover from Sinemet to methadone last week by having me add 2.5mg methadone (2.5 mg/day taken in evening) to my usual treatment doses of Sinemet. We’ve determined to take the titration of methadone very slowly and the reduction of Sinemet also very slowly. He said it could take 6 months or longer — as long as I need.
After my very first dose of methadone, I became extremely and continuously nauseous. I never vomited, but came very close. The only way I could manage was to lie in bed. After 5 days/doses of the methadone, my doc took me off of it due to the unmanageable nausea. We will consider other treatment options at my next appointment. Meanwhile, I have not taken methadone for the last 4 nights and I am STILL so nauseous that I cannot be on my feet for very long without then needing to lie down again.
Has anyone had a similar experience? My doc said he’s never treated anyone with such a small dose of methadone having such a severe reaction. Now I wonder if it’s even the methadone. I’ve made no other changes in habits or meds. Your experiences please.