God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.
Karl Paul Reinhold Niebuhr : The serenity prayer.
This post is intended to present information about the psychological concept of “control” and it’s relevance to the holistic care of RLS.
What is control?
A simple psychological definition might be that control is how a person manages their own behaviour and how they wish to influence their environment in order to achieve their health goals.
There are different types of control and this post will focus on one type, i.e. “perceived control” a person's perception of their ability to achieve their health goals.
NOTE : it’s common for people’s main goal to be to achieve ”health”. However, this then depends on what the person sees as “being healthy”. Modern definitions of health go beyond health just meaning an absence of illness. Those with long term conditions, (e.g. RLS), should not think of themselves as being “unhealthy”.
Somebody can be healthy then, despite their RLS, diabetes, disability etc.
Numerous studies have shown that a lack of perceived control has a significant impact on how well people manage to achieve their health goals, physical as well as psychological, the ability to tolerate pain, recovery from illness, decreased tumour growth, and daily functioning
There are two things about this which appear to be significant.
1) Perceived control isn’t necessarily realistic : people may believe they either have more, or less control than they actually have.
2) People’s will act according to how much control they feel they have. A perceived lack of control can lead to a negative self-fulfilling prophecy.
How realistic then generally, is the perceived control that RLS sufferers feel they have over their condition?
The concept of “locus of control” has been around for decades and is an important concept in the field of health psychology. It has been proposed that it is a personality characteristic.
Internal locus of control – a person feels that their actions can influence their outcomes
External locus of control – a person feels that they have no control and their outcomes are influenced by external events.
It has been found that generally people with RLS have a low internal locus of control and consequently this will negatively affect what they think they can do about their RLS.
Here are some resources that may help you develop a more internal locus of control.
As well as locus of control there may be other factors that may influence how much control people with RLS feel they have over their RLS.
1) The doctor patient relationship : this may apply to ALL health conditions.
The 3 main goals of modern doctor-patient communication are supposed to be creating a good interpersonal relationship, facilitating exchange of information, and including patients in decision making.
This can help promote a person’s sense of control.
Barriers to good communication can undermine a patient’s sense of control and include
Deterioration of Doctors' Communication Skills over time : doctors in training tend to lose their focus on holistic patient care.
Non-disclosure of Information i.e. doctors withholding information which they think might upset the patient or which they think is of “no concern”
Doctors' Avoidance Behaviour : avoiding discussion of the emotional and social impact of patients' problems because it distresses them when they feel they cannot handle these issues or do not have the time to do so adequately
Discouragement of Collaboration : Physicians have been found to discourage patients from voicing their concerns and expectations as well as requests for more information Patients can feel disempowered (lacking control) and may be unable to achieve their health goals
It has to be recognised that patient’s behaviour too may be a barrier.
What can you do?
Patients should recognise that they are not passive recipients and are able to resist the power and expert authority that society grants doctors. Expert authority does not mean moral authority or inequality.
Note that there are legal and ethical codes which can support the patient in this.
This requires self-confidence, self-esteem and assertiveness, things which may be lacking as a consequence of RLS.
They can implicitly and explicitly resist the one way giving of information by doctors by using expert information to assert their own perspectives, integrate with their knowledge of their own bodies and experiences, as well as the social realities of their lives
THE PATIENT can be an EXPERT on their own condition and themselves.
In an ideal world, doctors should collaborate with their patients to provide the best care
Because doctors tend to make decisions based on quick assessments, which may be biased, they should take time to offer and discuss treatment choices to patients and share the responsibility and control with them.
2) Having a sense of control and being a patient expert depends, to some extent on possessing appropriate and accurate information.
The internet, social media etc means there is now greater access to information. It also means that people can be more easily exposed to misinformation.
This could mean the “serenity” prayer could be re-phrased
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
YouTube to learn how to change the things I can,
and Google to know the difference.
That misinformation should spread is not simply down to the inaccuracy of the source, another factor may be the vulnerability of the reader to believing it.
PLEASE note, the following is simply an outline of what is mentioned in the literature. Purely that. It is up to you to consider it or dismiss it. Please don’t shoot the messenger.
Suggestibility this is where a person is inclined (and willing) to act on the actions or suggestions of others
Credulity is a person's willingness or ability to believe that a statement is true, especially on minimal or uncertain evidence. (Whether it’s true or not).
Gullibility is a tendency to be easily manipulated into believing something is true when it isn't. Credulity is closely related,
These appear interrelated and hopefully it can be seen that a more suggestible person will be then more credulous and gullible.
A person’s vulnerability to these may be a matter of personality, but a major factor is sleep deprivation.
Sleep deprivation, of even a relatively short period of time has been shown to increase a person’s suggestibility
Irrespective of whether you feel you have any control over insomnia, it may help to be aware of your own vulnerability.
Personally, I am better convinced by suggestions that can be supported by evidence.
A GAME (for 7 to ten people)
Print out the picture
Take ONE person aside
Step one :Tell them the game is called “The owl and the pussycat”
Tell them it’s a memory test and that you’re going to ask them to draw something from memory.
Step two :Show them the picture for about 30 seconds. At the same time recite –
“The Owl and the Pussycat went to sea
In a beautiful pea-green boat,
They took some honey, and plenty of money,
Wrapped up in a five pound note.”
(Edward Lear)
Step three : Then take the picture away and give the person a blank piece of paper and pencil and ask them to draw what they’ve just been looking at.
Step four : When they’ve finished, ask them what they’ve just drawn and write their answer and the number “1” on the back of their drawing.
Step five : tell the person not to discuss what they’ve done with anybody else.
Take the NEXT person aside.
Repeat steps 1 to 5 with 3 changes -
a) Show the person the previous person’s drawing, NOT the original
b) Allow them slightly less time to look at the drawing.
c) Write “2” on the back. (Or 3, 4, 5 etc)
Compare the first person’s drawing and what they say they drew to the last person’s drawing and what they said they drew.
Explanation available by private message.