I have had RLS since my 20's and I am now 72. I have avoided taking dopamine agonists and other RLS medications for fear of augmentation. My chosen path is an anti-inflammatory diet, supplements, healthy lifestyle and so far I do manage to live a reasonable life. In the past 2 years I have embraced medical cannabis oil which I have found to help with sleep and dulling of the symptoms. I have recently been prescribed by my doctor, cannabis bud which I take in the form of vaping. This has been very helpful as when I wake up I can go back to sleep quite quickly. The variety is specially bred to induce sleep. I live in Australia and my doctor does on line consults which is very convenient for me.
My experience with medically prescrib... - Restless Legs Syn...
My experience with medically prescribed vaping for RLS

Hi, does the vaping actually help with the restless legs or just sleep?I am 65 and have suffered since my 30s, ALSO in Aus, Melbourne
My rls is terrible at the moment, progressively getting worse.
Was your GPa Le to help or a neurologist?
I have a time of 1 am in the morning when it is particularly bad and if I can vape some cannabis, take a short stroll around the house and/or a hot bath I get back to sleep quickly. Taking the cannabis oil in the form of CBD or CBD/THC 2 hours before bed also works very well and the vaping complements this. Sometimes it does eliminate it and sometimes it is still there but my legs feel calmer and I am able to get back to sleep. I am not sure how it would go if you are on other medications though - I have never mixed it.
I have a very good doctor that employs a cannabis nurse. This is better for me as on line consults mean I can be a as nowhere in Australia and able to speak to my cannabis nurse. After the initial consults with the doctor - my consults with the cannabis nurse is free. The medication is approved and then it is sent to you via courier. The whole process is very easy.
That's great to hear, Goldy. Also that you have managed to get access to lawful cannabis in Aus. Other accounts have suggested that it seems to be difficult there.
As you have never taken a dopamine agonist, you could also consider dipyridamole. A recent study found it helpful in treating rls symptoms in a study group of treatment naive subjects. It is off label for rls but is not a high octane drug - has been compared to aspirin - and seems to have few side effects. However, it is a blood thinner so not for those who have problems with blood clotting. On the flip side, it could serve a useful ancillary purpose for those who require an anti-coagulant.
Hello, I am interested in finding out about the medical cannabis vapour that you use for treating your RLS.I live in Western Australia and I am currently using Temgesic sublingual 200mcg tablets to control my RLS.
Kind regards Julie McGowan
thank you for posting. I have tried vaping after my daughter suggested it. It did not help with my RLS though. I didn't feel as irritated possibly and have taken it more easy. However, I still was not able to sleep. I have since weaned off from my pramipexole (and escitalopram for my anxiety). I can say that vaping helps some for my anxiety.
My example is likely not really relevant at this point since I was on a 0.128mg dose of pramipexole and was dealing with augmentation. It's possible that once I stay off from this for a while that vaping of cannabis might help. cheers
It may not be for you DerAusgerwanderte but bear in mind the Indica variety tends to be the sedating cannabis while the Sativa is more for staying awake and day time use. It is important you get a variety that is bred for relaxation and sleep. Most cannabis nurses/Drs are well versed on the best varieties for this purpose. It does have a vast spectrum of effects.
thank you. That is great to know. I will definitely check into what I was taking and try accordingly.
Okay, I just checked with my daughter. I tried Indica only once and that during the day. Not enough data points to say anything about that. The other stuff was definitely not Indica and apparently the wrong stuff for sleep. Thank you. I'll try the Indica variant again if I have any RLS symptoms in the future.
I kept this article - I am a hoarder of information. It might help youwayofleaf.com/cannabis/ailm...
Hi Goldy, good to know your non-DA regimen is working! I think I’m augmenting on ropinerole and am beginning to wean off. My question is about the anti -inflammatory diet. I’d like to try that but there’s so much information out there, some of it conflicting. Can you point me to some good, reasonable guidance? Thanks!
Hi Goldy700. I am interested in how you are able to get access to the bud to vape and also the cannabis oil to help with restless legs through the doctor and cannabis nurse. I am in Australia too. In Queensland. Could you tell me more about how I may go about contacting them. Cheers. Maree
I live in the states. I just got my medical marijuana card for rls. My son also has rls and since he started vaping his rls and sleepless nights are gone for 2 years. I am going to try the oils, but am nervous about it. I have to go off the oxycodone to do it. Thats what I was told you cannot combine oxy and marijuana. I understand. My son urged me to try it so I too can get some relief hopefully.
I have no experience in combining medications as I am only on the medical cannabis and I instinctively feel it wouldn't be good. Vaping is a strong medicine and works on different pathways and definitely very low on the addiction scale. The oils are great as well but not nearly as strong. The oils give a feeling of relaxation over a long period, vaping works instantly and powerfully to relax your body, melt the RLS symptoms. Using a combination of both works well for some people - it is a matter of experimentation.
Thanks Goldy. I have tried vaping once, but I couldnt get it right. I kept choking. Maybe since I never smoked, I have to get the hang of it. I am going to start off with the oils. Anything to get this rls to ease up. It is the worst condition anyone can have. If you don't have it, then you dont understand.
Yes you need to start very slowly with small inhalations until you get used to it. The good thing about dry herb vaping is it is 100% cannabis bud with no added nasties.
I went to the dispensary and purchased MCT oil (grape ape) and the vaping cartridge. I only tried the oil so far 2 nights. The only thing it did for me is make me dizzy, I can't say it is relaxed feeling. My rls was better, not perfect. Is that the way you are supposed to feel. I was hoping for more relaxed. I was a little afraid to take a couple more drops since I was already dizzy. I can see why people should not drive while using this!!!
Some confusion might be dry herb vaping vs oil vape. I have found (and the old Mayo RLS guidance mentioned) that smoking cannabis is most effective for RLS. I have found a few indica strains from a legal medical dispensary in the U.S. with particular terpines helped me. A doctor previously mentioned seeking out Palmetto Harmony or Charlotte’s web but I’ve been unable to find any. I’ve tried oil vaping, sublingual tincture, gummies, some delicious edibles and made my own ‘baked’ goods with little result. Only smoking the cannabis relieves my RLS. Almost completely but it doesn’t last long, an hour or two. We are all different. Just sharing my journey. All the best.
I have been on the cannabis herb (flower) for 7 years with no addiction problems. I recently went off for a week as I needed to drive and I had no craving at all. I have been prescribed Grandaddy Purple (Indica variety flower) . The purple varieties have a reputation for being very relaxing. A good dispensary will prescribe the varieties that give body relaxation - not mental stimulation which you can get in some of the Sativa varieties. I definitely have been able to control my lifelong RLS without the harsher and more problematic medicines with cannabis. The best part of vaping the dry pure flower is I can fall asleep easily which always was a problem before I discovered cannabis. I do wake up and my RLS may kick in but if I have a hot bath or do some exercise bike I can go back to sleep easily enough.