Hello all . Im new on here . Hope this finds you all getting by and staying safe .
I have RLS . Had it on and off for a good while . Finally had to ask my GP to prescribe something for it . She prescribed Methocarbamol .
What is my question > Simply put . I am already on Morphine based drugs for Advanced Arthritis because I had an emergency triple bypass after 3 yrs of Diclofenac max dose had collapsed my major arteries.
I am on Morphine along with Pregablin and Ramapril .
My GP assured me this was a wonder drug . I asked if it would work fine with my other medication and was told yes.
I have since looked online and its suggested that the 3 above are red flags for mixing with Metho .
Does anyone on here have any knowledge or experience with similar combinations of drugs that either was a no no or it caused issues .
I havent actually started the Metho as yet because of my concerns and obviously previous bad advice regards drugs being fine to take .
Many Many thanks in advance . They dont always get it right .