My solution for Restless Legs.
My restless legs started in May/June and gradually worsened. In august I had a real bad time with restless legs, I only slept for 2 hours a night. Had lot of electric charges in the legs, muscle cramps for hours, strange feelings, etc. Reading about it on internet didn’t make me very happy, the medicines sounded horrible and reading many doctors still prescribe dopamine medicines although that is not the first treatment option anymore is very sad. I hate it when doctors don’t keep up with the latest information. Also what I read on forums made my stress a lot worse, that it is a lifelong disease which will get worse in time.
I also got a lot of hypnotic jerks.
I did everything I needed to do, take iron supplements to up the ferritine, magenesium (best source is buying magnesiumflakes, 100 gram is only 2 euro in healthstores, mix it with some water and apply it to your skin), even eating meat again which still does not feel right with all the animal abuse that goes on in the meatindustry, walking 90 minutes a day, taking lots of other supplements, potassium, going to an osteopath and acupuncturist, etc. But still no result.
I kept a fooddiary and found that caffeine, sugar and especially salt make it much worse. So I stopped that but still lots of complaints.
Ofcourse stress makes it worse too but that is difficult to avoid when you only have 2 hours of sleep at night and a lot of worries about it.
Although looking at the internet gave me a lot of stress due to all the sad stories without a real solution, I knew I had to keep looking because maybe there was an answer to all of this which could help me. Somehow the dopaminetheory never sounded true to me.
Im happy I kept looking because I found a german doctor and her husband who is a physical therapist and they have a new approach to many healthissues. They are now mostly known because their exercises prevent kneeoperations. Ofcourse the regular doctors don’t want to hear this yet, like it mostly goes.
On youtube they have a video with exercises for restless legs.
Their names are Liebscher und Bracht.
I looked up information about their theory and it sounded very plausible. And my intuition told me this was my solution.
Especially the part about fascia which is too tight. Along with connective tissue and muscles.
They have trained therapist in Germany and luckily for me also 2 people in The Netherlands give this therapy.
At the moment I read it I started doing the exercises. But found soon that 10 minutes a day is not enough so I started a yinyogaroutine of 45 minutes a day which involves a lot of stretching to get the deeper connective tissue to get flexible again. These yoga exercise have a lot in common with the exercises Liebster und Bracht show.
In yinyoga you keep a position for at least 2 minutes to get into the deeper tissues. So I looked for the legsstretching positions in yoga like downward dog, boat, dangling, etc and made my own routine.
Then 10 minutes of fasciarolling, very necessary. In the beginning it is very painfull because everything is so tight in the legs but it gets better after a while.
And walking 90 minutes a day.
And in the evening massaging the legs, with guasha and cupping and regular massage.
I also went to the liebscher und bracht therapist and it only needed 5 treatments.
So together, the therapist, doing yinyoga for 45 minutes, walking, fasciarolling and massaging I went from every night all night long legproblems to in September only 8 nights and now in October only 1 night mildly and only half an hour. It takes a lot of hard work but better then living a live with restless legs. And I probably need to keep up this routine, except the therapist, the rest of my life but that is okay.
My personal idea about restless legs is; the muscles, connective tissue and fascia get too tight, due to not enough movement or too much (and wrong) movements and stress (which tightens also). Then little nerve endings become stuck and are the cause for the unpleasant feelings. In daytime it is less because you move more so the nerves get less stuck.
It might not be the solution for everyone but worth a try.
And there are more ways, I also spoke to someone who had good results with the Trager Approach. And 2 people who had it for a while and then it spontaneously went away.
Wish you all the luck in the world and hope there will be a solution for everybody because RL is very bad too have.