Hi all, after suffering from RLS for more than 40 years, I was wondering if anyone had tried CBD products to ease their symptoms. My only visit to a GP was met with scepticism and the comment " Oh, you must be a Daily Mail reader ". Followed by a dismissive prescription for diazepam. Four or five hours broken sleep per night is normal in my house.
RLS and CBD: Hi all, after suffering... - Restless Legs Syn...

I am so sorry that you have such a bad Dr, there is little you can do about it but educate yourself.
If you are in the UK you could try showing your Dr Nice guidelines on rls treatment, but be prepared - Dr's generally do not like the patients having their own knowledge that is superior to theirs, tred carefully and let them think its their idea.
CBD oil for me was no good, diazepam is no good for RLS either, plenty on here knows that without the 5 odd years Dr spend training.
If you can get it safely, cannabis is a good one to try. Kratom also, (Google 'Kratom holy grail of rls to get a link to a thread here with lots of information.
Are you taking any thing that might be making things worse? Any antidepressants or antihistamines? What about iron levels, many get benefit from gentle iron.
There is plenty of good quality information and help available here so don't dispair.
Your doctor needs retraining Could you find a specialist?
I tried CBD oil but it didn't help. However, I am about to try it as medical cannabis which is a much higher concentration apparently, so I'll post once I've been on it to update anyone who is interested.
Just to follow on from Sampsie's post - Project Twenty21 is a way of getting people access to medical cannabis. It is oil, (although the flower of the plant may be available in the future) which will work just as well.
There are a number of us going through the process at the minute and I am waiting on a full spectrum oil to be dispatched to myself.
More info from here:
Good luck all - cannabis has helped numerous people on here and now there is access (in Britain and the north of Ireland only at the moment - sorry my antipodean friends and those trapped in the United States of Trump!
A FULL ( not Broad) spectrum CBD oil is effective for insomnia related to RLS but not for the restlessness. Most bottles of tincture will recommend starting at 25 mg. I need 75 mg and take it about 2 hours before bedtime. I use Syncronicity brand (previously called Functional Remedies) from Colorado which is high quality and independently lab tested. I have tried CBD tinctures with higher THC levels and have found that my body doesn’t respond well to those products. For restlessness I take a small dose of Oxycodone at the same time as the CBD.
I find full spectrum oil works very well for me as does the plant itself treating the insomnia, crawling restless feeling and pain. It hits every point for me where a Benzo for example might help a little with insomnia but is no good for pain or restlessness.
Many thanks for your replies, I'll try the CBD products for a couple of weeks and let you know how it goes. Fingers crossed!