Hello everyone, it is so nice to communicate with RLS friends because you all know how awful it is to deal with. I have had RLS for so many years now that it seems like forever, and I'm 74. Many times when I was freaking out because I was so tired from not being able to lie down and walking around the house, I would violently kick out my legs. I had done so much damage to my knee that I had to have a partial knee replacement. I recently slipped and fell directly on it on a tile floor. Now my knee is hurting again. More recently when I would have a flare up in the middle of the night, I would point my toes and stretch out my legs so hard that I stretched out the tendons from my toe to my ankle. It started to be very painful, but the doctors said the x-rays showed everything was fine. Finally the tendon actually snapped in half which actually made the pain less severe. So now I'm having to have surgery in a couple of weeks to reattach the tendon. I won't be able to put any weight on it for a month. It just makes me so angry that because of RLS, I have done this damage to myself. So, Please don't do what I did when you are at your wit's end.
Now I have a question. What do I to about the RLS while I can't walk? I was on .75mg pramipexole and was trying to wean off of it. I got down to .25mg when I lost my wonderful 95 year old mom and was so stressed that I couldn't deal with that and the RLS. So, I started taking .50mg which was helpful until it wasn't (augmentation). I'm thinking about going back to .75mg after my surgery and hoping that will help until I can walk again. And then trying to wean off the pramipexole.
I would really appreciate some advice.
The best to all of you during these difficult times.
Thank you, Dakota