What do you recommend for restless legs?
What does one do when their restless ... - Restless Legs Syn...
What does one do when their restless legs start?

Cannabis, (risk of law and unpleasant effects if you take too much but probably the safest drug you can take (outside of legal issues). Some say CBD oil helps - not for me.
Neupro patch, Dopaminergic drugs with very serious side-effects. Mirapexin distorted my thoughts so much I still have vivid memories of intrusive thoughts to kill myself. Others have gambled, played around and shopped their lives away on these drugs (not to mention augmentation
Morphine, Opiates - may God be blessed for creating them and man be damned for misusing and misprescribing them. Fantastic for RLS imho. I am currently taking Targinact and find it pretty good (although I still have bad times not near as many as I used to). Problems are they can cause issues in a small minority of people who misuse then and tolerance can be an issue to. On the plus side there is low potential for augmentation (a worsening of symptoms)
Gabapentin, Very similar drugs and some people find the side-effects terrible with these. Again can be misused (very troublesome in the north of Ireland).
Kratom, Read the link below, all the info you need is in it. Not legal everywhere either so be aware of that.
Gentle Iron, Many find it beneficial - we lack iron in our brains to utilise the dopamine so more iron = more dopamine used and less issues. There can be issues in a few with too much iron in the blood. Particularly among the Irish/Celtic people iirc.
Distraction, I play musical instruments, garden and if I am lucky and it is near my birthday sex is my favourite distraction (I think, I am not sure if I remember that far back )
Yoga stretches, stretch out the tension in our bodies. I use Youtube - there are loads on there as well as a couple on the UK RLS page linked below.
Hot baths/showers/Hot water bottle, Heat is a great one for dealing with RLS but it only works really when you are in the hot water and for a very short period after. Also it is very embarrassing stripping naked and immersing myself in water at Tescos!!
Sex/Masturbation, Increases dopamine, release our natural pain killing abilities and distracts. Jesus it is a great all rounder. Problem is the police don't like me having sex in the chapel. Like the hot showers it doesn't last (the same problem my wife says she has when we have sex ).
Dietary changes such as avoiding sugar, caffeine, gluten, dairy and alcohol. These make things worse.
Avoiding drugs that exacerbate things like antihistamines, antidepressants and some other drugs. Some drugs make things worse.
It is important when posting that you give us some information. There is little point me recommending cannabis if you are a just say no Scientologist, likewise for some people with addictions they prefer to avoid opiates.
If you let us know how long you've had RLS, what way it effects you, have you had it diagnosed or have you self diagnosed, what drugs you take, if you have any concurrent health issues as renal problems and pregnancy cause Iron problems and RLS.
I have used all the substances and activities/changes I listed at various times (not the Morphine or Gabapentin) and gotten benefit from them. Some, like Mirapexin almost put my lights out and should be taken with EXTREME care imho.
Here are a few links to get you started:
This is about a very generous Dr called Dr. Mark Buchfuhrer:
If you live near southern California, Dr. Mark Buchfuhrer, is available for consultations for both paediatric and adult RLS patients. Dr. Buchfuhrer is a sleep and RLS specialist who has co-authored several books and articles on RLS, has performed many research studies on RLS and has lectured around the country.
If you wish to see him for a consultation in his office, contact his office at the address below:
Mark J. Buchfuhrer, M.D.
11480 Brookshire Avenue, Suite 108
Downey, CA 90241
Tel: 562-904-1101
He will give free, yes that is FREE email consultations and advice (an American Dr two things that scream I'm having your money and he works for free - if you ever read this Dr B I take my hat off to you). If you do email him, he likes proper English and no abbreviations - if he wants good English to help me he gets it!! You'll find his email address here:
There will be others along soon if they aren't out keeping the world turning while Covid19 keeps us hunkered down.
Joolsg, Madlegsa1, Manerva and the rest will be here to help (I just popped down the first 3 names in my head no offence to all others who have helped me and the rest). Get the rest of your info up so they can dissect it and help, in the meantime you have some reading!
Take care.

This staying at home is not good for your brain, Raffs ! 😆🥳😷
I'm finding it OK, it does mean I can't do some of the things I like doing, but it also means I've an excuse for not doing some of the things I don't like doing.
Me staying at home is worse for the weans. I'm a strict home teacher and if they don't do their work then I send them to Tesco to buy loo rolls, they tend to do their work. 😁👺

I still have some bales of hay if ye are stuck! Guaranteed no thistles!🤡
I could take a few bales off me garden at the minute. Although I'm saving the Dock plants for when the loo roll runs out.

I could just about translate that Norn accent! So-- you won't be in the market for a good preloved lawnmower?🙄😆
Don't worry about me, what about all those poor fellas in Armagh? With the shortage of cleaning things how will they wash all that diesel? 😁😁

The one about the chappie the PSNI caught with red in the tank and a good load of red in himself (claret they mentioned) lost car and licence.
They cleaned him out!🥵
I prefer green in the car and myself

Raffs has given you a pretty comprehensive outline of all the things you can do generally to improve your symptoms.
All that I can add is
1. If you're already taking any medication for RLS and still having moderate symptoms then there may be an issue with that medication. This is particularly true if you are taking a dopamine agonist, i.e. pramipexole, (Mirapexin, Sifrol), ropinirole (Requip) or rotigotine (Neupro).
2. Once a RLS 'episode' has started, then it's better to do something rather than not do something. E.g. it's NOT recommended to lie in bed when you can't sleep, get up! It's better even to be up all night than it is to be lying in bed sleepless all night. Despite your intuition telling you differently.
3. It's only my personal experience but sometimes physically doing something helps relieves symptoms, but it shouldn't be anything too strenuous. Sometimes doing something which is a little mentally challenging is sufficient e.g. puzzles, as it's distracting. Passive mental activities, e.g. watching movies or reading aren't quite as useful.
I've spent many a dark hour designing and making simple electronic circuits. It has both physical and mental activities and it can be challenging i.e. working out the circuit, soldering or carrying out self first aid when I burn myself or the circuit blows up!
Plus, a dopamine burst if the thing actually works.
I have sent a private message with some ideas.
I was on ropinerole for 5 years and it worked like a charm until augmentation set in. Now on only 200 mg gabapentin and .5 ropinerole twice a day. Works pretty well but sometimes NOT. A hot shower is helpful for me. Also getting up from my recliner and staying on my feet for an hour or so usually gets rid of the RLS. I always keep a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle on my table and I stand at the table(don’t sit) and work on it. It keeps my attention and seems to help. I am fortunate because (usually) when I go to bed the RLS stops! One last thing, when I get RLS in the evening I usually remember that I didn’t drink 8 glasses of water that day.
I didn't know what to do when I first got RLS, and my GP had no idea either. Nobody could suggest any treatment. But while I was kicking around the bed or the car, I noticed that my legs were always hot when my kicks started. I tried leaving the bedclothes off my lower legs and found that the kicks were less frequent.
I then hunted around for anything that could help me keep them cool hoping that I could reduce or get rid of the kicks and funny/agonising sensations. Eventually I found that a mattress topper was the most successful.
By this time my GP had referred me to a neurologist who had a lot of experience treating RLS. She was helpful and sympathetic.
The medication she gave me did prove effective, but when in bed did not work too well. I used the medication (Pramipexole) and this combination did prove very good.
You might want to see if there is anything you find is around when you get the kicks, and how to modify it.
Good luck and Happy Hunting.
Like Manerva I have to get up; I stand at the kitchen work top doing Killer Sudoko or othe newspaper puzzles, sometimes jigsaw puzzles too. I sometimes find sticking my legs under the cold bath tap can help - the colder the better, then I go back to bed with wet legs. Occasionally helps !
I have been prescribed opiate brand of tablets, and with CBD oil it abates within 40 minutes, lifesaver
Wear medical grade compression stockings.
It works for many. Drug free.
You got nothing to lose. Try it.
Cheapest and nice quality are at Ames Walker .
my neuro prescribed madopar for me , it's used to treat Parkinsons although I have MS and it has helped considerably, my RLS was worse in the evening and during the night whilst in bed