My RLS is worse during the day now. I've had it since childhood, but recently the symptoms are worse during the day. I still don't sleep at night. I also have ME/CFS and I know that RLS can also be a symptom. Anyone any ideas that I can forward to my GP?
Daytime RLS: My RLS is worse during the... - Restless Legs Syn...
Daytime RLS

Hi - if I am overtired my legs go crazy. Walking or my exercise bicycle during the day helps. In the early evening I take 2 - .25 mg of pramipexole Dihydro for my legs along with 100 mg of Trazodone HCL 1 hr. before bedtime. That is a natural sleep aid and non habit forming. For the most part I am only bothered by restless legs a couple of times a month. I was considering trying another medication for my legs but after much research I am going to stick with the pramipexole.
Thanks Annie, I take Pramipexole too, 0.0088 x 3 at night and one in the morning. Unfortunately I am not able to exercise as I have ME/CFS and am just able to move from bed to recliner.
It's great that the pramipexole is working for you, as long as it works it's no problem.
However I do suggest you research augmentation. Up to 60% of people taking pramipexole suffer augmentation after taking it 8 years.
Then if it happens you will recognise it.
I too starting getting symptoms during the day. I was told that it was probably augmentation since I had been taking ropinirole successfully for most of 20 years. I started wearing compression socks about two months ago and found the RLS symptoms disappearing during the day. I do not wear the socks at night but have found that my symptoms have been disappearing during the night as well (I am still using ropinirole). I can now go out to dinner with my wife and actually stay seated the entire time (symptom free). What a pleasure that has been. I got my socks on Amazon for about $15 a pair. You might mention the socks to your GP.
Thank you dklohrey, I've worn compression socks in the past for lymphodema, but I can't remember if it helped the RLS. I'll talk to my GP. Thanks
Where do you feel the RLS symptoms in your legs? For me it’s in both thighs, so I don’t see how compression socks, which only come up to the knee, presumably, could help? Would love it if that was a solution for me?
My symptoms are usually in my calves, though at times I have had them in my thigh and hips. Your question is interesting in that I had not thought about it but the symptoms in my thighs and hips have left during the day as well.
You can get compression hold ups that go all the way to the thighs. I had them on prescription for lymphodema.
I have been with restless leg syndrome for nine years been on ropinerole went to see my doctor for my regular check up for the year and explained that the ropinerole tablets which I took for nine years the novelty wore off so he asked me if I would like to try something else as the ropinerole was not working at night and had restless legs during the day so I tried a transdermal patch rotigotine which you put on at night looks like a plaster l am on 1mg to start then if that didn't work I would be upped 2 mg or 3mg so far so good been on these patches which you change every night I sleep better I don't have restless legs during the day it is a great relief for me mention to your doctor about it look it up on internet and see what you think anything is worth a try than suffering