Two months ago I started and tomorrow I will grit my teeth for the last time. I have managed one a day, occasionally two but not often 😳. They have become considerably colder as the weather gets frostier and so does my water tank in the attic!!
I've made it, even though halfway I felt I couldn't go on. Nevertheless, anyone who suffers from severe RLS will try anything, right?
Theory is, submerged for 1-2 minutes including your head (nose out to breathe!), It shocks the Hypothalamus into producing dopamine and helps the neuro transmitters as well as the auto immune system.
Result? - (Since augmentation, codeine phosphate is my only relief). Possibly it's psychosomatic but I do feel better. It wakes me up to start the day with a feeling of wellbeing and achievement after a bad night. I don't know if its my imagination but I feel my night attacks are not so severe. My mental state isn't so desperate (I'm sure you know that feeling of "I can't go on and maybe I will end it.) I feel at peace and able to cope, which is a big turn around. (I do have lots of friends praying for me too!)
Now I'm stopping and I will let you know if there is any lasting effect.