Just started using sour kush whole plant cannabis oil...just a tiny bit is bringing some good sleep. Helping the w/drawal of ropinirole.
Cannabis oil working: Just started... - Restless Legs Syn...
Cannabis oil working

We love good news stories! Good luck with the last stages of the withdrawal.
Great, glad to hear the withdrawal is going OK.

Thank you Manerva......it's not a good thing when you're afraid to go to bed knowing what's ahead!!
Great news.Long may it continue!Where do you purchase it?x
I'm in Vermont!! "Green" mountain state. I have a medical marijuana card ....the employees at the dispensary are so helpful and suggested this option.
Is this only availble if you have a medical marijuana card? I've tried different CBD oils, full spectrum hemp etc. and they do help, but not enough. I don't live in a state other options are available.
Full soectrum hemp still has minimal amounts of THC and you need the THC to contol the RLS. Keep it up, tweedy66 even after you are totally off the ropinerole and give it a month. Ask your dispensary about RSO (Rick Simpson Oil). I take 33% THC with astounding results. And I don't get high.
Hi.....yes you have to have a card, at least here in Vermont. Where are you located?
tweedy66 Im in NC. They are working on a bill to legalize medical marijuana now. But I don't know if it will pass. a similar bill was voted down several years ago. I'm just not sure NC is ready to make that jump. though wish they would. But then RLS also needs to be one of the conditions that is legal to treat with marijuana too. and I'm not sure it is. did you get your card for RLS or for Pain management or something else?
Hi....yes I got it for RLS and also for back pain. Also just found out I have the celiac gene and so I've had nausea and have begun a gluten-free diet. The marijuana really helps the nausea. Feeling fortunate for Vermont being one of the leaders in this. My sister-in-law is coming to visit next week...from NC.